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One plane ride and a four hour drive later found the group of men outside a quasi-typical Texan ranch. The motorcade drove through the farm gates decorated with large bull horns, over a bridge and a few minutes later Crooked Creek Homestead came into view.

The huge three storey home stood next to a large barn and children's toys were scattered about the lawn. All the children playing on the large playground turned their heads as the cars pulled up and parked. Hope filled their eyes and it made the visitors feel guilty, they weren't here to adopt any children.

The front doors opened and a middle aged woman came out wiping her hands on her apron. If she was intimidated at the fact three cars full of men had come all the way out here she didn't show it. She smiled and waved them in welcoming them.

"How can I help you gentlemen?" She asked with a strong southern accent. "I'm Miss Harriet."

"Miss Harriet, I don't know if you have seen the news about Charlie." Bishop started but she shhh'd him.

"If you're here for a story you can leave. Charlie is a good person and that shouldn't be punished. She is not like that murderer." She said sternly.

"We're not reporters." He said. "I'm Bishop, and you're right, she was a good person."

"Oh god." The woman cried as she caught the sad use of the past tense. "Excuse me a moment."

She left the room and they all pretended not to hear the sobbing coming from the kitchen. Nestor had been standing at the back but he began walking around the room as he saw the photos hung up. He saw photos of Charlie when she must have visited the place. She was smiling along with the children as they surrounded her. As the photos got older, faded from the spot in the sun, he found what must have been Gregory protectively holding a younger Charlie in front of him on the horse they sat on.

"They were the best of friends." Miss Harriet said as she joined Nestor.

"He looked like a good brother." He commented.

"He was. I remember the day the Adam's brought her home. He was so excited, he chose her." She smiled.

"What do you mean?" He asked shaking his head.

"Charlie was adopted. She didn't tell you?" She said shocking the group. "It's why she set up the orphanage here. I thought you knew her."

"So did I." He whispered before clearing his throat. "She left these addressed to you."

He handed the thick envelope over and she opened it quickly before covering her mouth with a gasp. She pulled out the deed of the property and a tellers check for $2 million. Charlie had already made monthly payments for years towards the orphanage. Once more Miss Harriet shed tears for the beautifully scarred soul of Charlie.

Nestor's research of Charlie hadn't shown she was adopted, her birth certificate had June and Thomas as her parents. He wondered why she hadn't said anything when she was slated as Oswald's granddaughter. She could have told everyone then but she didn't.

Outside on the steps sat Happy, holding the urn that contained all that was left of Charlie. He had heard the news on the television after seeing her character dragged through the mud. He had listened to the sickening phone call that had been recorded of her attack. He had joined the angry crowd as they kicked the doors down of the courthouse. Her name was chanted in reverend and the call for justice started an inquiry into the government agency systems. It would become her legacy, if only she were there to see it.

He placed the urn on the steps and walked down to the playground where the children played. He never had his own but he liked that they were brutally honest. He kicked the dirt off his boots against a tree and noticed the trunk had been carved many times over the years. Happy read the names, dozens of them carved in the bark. Charlie's at the top.

"That's mine." A little girl said pointing to hers near the bottom. "It's our family tree."

"Is this the Doctor Charlie?" He asked pointing to the name that had grown up with with tree.

She nodded and smiled. "She was the first to join the family."

He frowned and walked inside. He saw Nestor standing by the photos and caught the conversation. She hadn't told any of them but as they looked at the family photos it seemed blindingly obvious. Charlie was blonde haired and blue eyed but Thomas, June and Gregory were all brown haired, brown eyed.

"Charlie wanted her final resting place to be here. She wanted to come home." Nestor said through the lump in his throat. "Is there anywhere here she would have preferred?"

"The family tree." Happy said from the back of the group.

"Yes, she would always go there first when she visited." Miss Harriet agreed.

The men walked outside with Miss Harriet and Bishop asked what the family tree was. Nestor picked up the urn from the porch as Miss Harriet led the way to the tree and pointed to Charlie's name.

"Charlie was chose the same day she was born and abandoned. The parents were unknown and Thomas was wealthy. He paid to have the birth certificate made with his and June's name." Miss Harriet explained. "When they told her she was adopted she came out here and carved her name in the tree. She said it was her family tree because her name was alone, no mom or dad.

When she left to go to school she asked me to make this place a home for others like her. Francine was the first child here." She pointed to the next name under Charlie's. "Every child that came through carved their name or had it done for them. She loved to come here and see it grow, she just wanted a family. And it looks to me like she found one."

"We royally fucked that up." Nestor commented and got growled by a child who heard him swear.

Miss Harriet chuckled. "That's a true family. You mess up, you forgive them. It wouldn't have made her any less loyal."

That was real and true. Charlie had stayed loyal to the men even when they didn't deserve it and it was ultimately the end of her. As the tallest, Angel took the urn from Nestor's hands and reached up to a nook where the branches forked at the trunk. He wedged the polished stainless steel jar in tight and let go. It sat central to the trunk that held the names of Charlie's family members.

Walking around the opposite side of the tree Nestor pulled his knife out of his pocket and began to carve his name. Without a word he turned away and climbed into his car. The others followed his lead until the trunk held their names too.

Neron was the last to leave as he pulled a bronze chip out of his pocket. It was her 10 year sobriety chip she was given before everything went to hell. He kissed the coin and put it back in his pocket promising her he would keep this until he earned his own.

"Goodbye Charlotte."

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