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Series: OoO S2
POV: Mania
Ship: None
Type: Angst, Fluff
Description: Mania runs into her father a year later after she died and was brought back to life, he try's to rekindle their relationship and be a good father. He asks her to come with him and that's when she finds out that she's an older sister to 3 kids.
Requested by Me

I was walking in the city trying to decide where a good place to live would be, since in all honesty well I loved being at the camp to many bad things had happened there. I felt like if I stayed more bad stuff would happen, especially after me dying and my mom and older brother bringing me back to life. Then there was her the demon who had manipulated me, after what had happened I decided I needed to learn how to control my fire and not have to rely on anything since the better I could use it, the better I could defend myself.
Well I was walking I saw my father, my mind immediately told me to walk the other way, pretend I hadn't seen him but it was already to late. When he was roughly 15-16 paces away I ran, I didn't want to see him. I didn't want to see my father not after last time...

My father had just walked into my old home, he asked where the old man was and I told him he was dead. He was I don't know how to describe it, he wasn't happy and he wasn't sad. He tried pulling the 'I'm your father, I know what best for you!' card but why would that even work? He had left me, abandoned me, just because he couldn't handle the fact that his daughter's mother was Amaterasu (I think that's how you spell it) and that she had fire powers.


I began picking up my pace when I heard him calling my name, I just couldn't. Soon after I thought I had lost him I felt a hand around my wrist, when I turned my head, it was my dad.
"Mania! Please! I just want to talk to you," he had a sad look on his face, almost like he was remorseful, but why would he be?
"What? 'Father'?" I turned towards him hiding the pain I felt, "What do you want?"
"Mania... I just want to talk to you, please."
"Talk to me about what? How you left me, how you abandoned me?" I felt slight tears rolling down my face.
"Mania I just want to try and be a better father... Please just, give me a chance."
"Fine. You have 30 minutes, that's it."
He lead me out of the crowded area to a park and sat down, signaling with his hand for me to sit I did.
"Mania I am so so sorry I could not be the father you needed. I'm so sorry I left its just, I wasn't prepared I, didn't know how to handle it and... I'm so sorry," he hung his head in shame tears dripping down his face and hitting the ground.
"Do you really mean that.....?"
"Yes. With everything in my bones. But there's another thing I'd like to talk about."
"What is it?"
"Mania I-I-I married someone... And we had kids and I'd like for you to meet them," he looked at me wanting to see my reaction, and he got one alright I felt a smile spread across my face and tears rolling down the sides of my face.
"R-really? You're not lying, right?"
"Mania I promise you, I am not lying."
It took a moment for it to sink in, I was an older sister... I had siblings aside from my half-brothers on mom's side. I would be able to experience what it was like to be a sister.
"H-how old are they?"
"The youngest is 7 years old middle one is 9 and the oldest is 12. Although I personally think your going to like the oldest the most."
"And why is that?"
"S-she, she's very similar to you. Minus the whole god thing. She's always been attracted to fire, but she doesn't know why."
"Hey da- I-I'd like to meet them," I looked at him with a smile on my face, when I clearly looked at him he was beaming with happiness. He grabbed my hand and pulled me forward and I let him I wiped away my tears and smiled.


"Dear~ I'm home. And I brought someone I want you to meet."
"Alright! I'll be there in a moment."
I heard footsteps and then I saw a beautiful women.
"Oh! Who's this dear?" She had an inquisitive look on her face.
"Dear, this is my daughter. She's from my previous relationship and only now are we talking again," he looked at his wife and had a nervous smile.
"Hi there. It's really nice to meet you, I'm Mania."
"W-well its nice to meet you Mania. I'm Lucy," then I heard yelling and other could clearly see her sigh.
"Hey how about you spend some time with me? We could get to know each other better," when I recommended that a smile grew in her face.
"Sure. Right this way," she led me into room with children running about, "Kids~ we have a guest!"
The one who looked to be the oldest spared me a glance before saying, "Ugh can't she just talk with you and dad?"
"Ooooh, she's really pretty!" I looked and it was a small child. I took my guess and would say she's the 7 yr.
"Eh, she's alright looking," and finally the 9 yr.
"Kids, this is your older sister," Lucy held her hands out.
"H-hi I'm Mania your older half sister. I'm your half sister due to the fact that I was born before my father met your mother," looking around I could see surprise on their faces.


Me and the kids were playing and having fun before my, no our dad came in.
"Hey Mania."
"Yea dad?"
"I'm so happy we could become close again."
"Me too. Me too dad."

Sorry this took so long to get out. I kinda got distracted and read some dreamnotfound fanfic. And they were so sad. Back on topic, I am truly sorry this took so long. I hope you all have an amazing day/afternoon/night. Bye!


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