Rules Update.

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Hello, I would just like to give a quick update on the rules. Once again, 
If any of the CC's are uncomfortable with their characters being shipped together, I will not write the ship. 
I am fine though with writing friendships with the characters, maybe having them just hanging out. Just nothing romantic if the CC's are uncomfortable with it.

This brings me to my next point, I will not write smut. And to the person who asked if I did and I said sure to, if you have not seen my newest replies. Please take a look at them so you have a better idea as to why I will not write smut. But if any of you are curious as to why I will not write smut, it's because I am uncomfortable writing it. Since after some serious reflection I have decided that I will not write smut. Please respect my decision.

Another thing, if any of the CC's don't want their ANY of their characters shipped period, I will not write it. And if anyone asks for a ship with someone x someone, and one of the people is uncomfortable being shipped, please respect that. Also I would like to state that if you ever see someone in my fic, or someone else's and a person is asking if the writer can do a certain ship but the people in said ship (Can be one or both) are uncomfortable being shipped, please tell the writer. 

I stated this in the beginning but I think I will rephrase it differently, if you want any harm to come to any of the characters in a one-shot please inform of what kind. But something I will always refuse to do, is rape/ S/A. Since I recognize that people can have PTSD from S/A so I will always refuse write that. If you want major character death, that's fine. If you want S/H, that's fine. If you want me to write about suicide or attempted suicide, that's fine. But PLEASE remember that I will always question how much you want me to put, and in the end I will decide if it is ok or not.

I will also only be doing the following series, FTO S5, MHO, OoO S2, OoO S3


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