Wait... WHAT!

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Series: ???
POV: FTO Mania
Ship: Leona, Mavid, Maria
Type: ???
Description: All of Mania's AU's finally meet each other. This includes her Origins AU's and her non-origins AU's. Least to say they were all surprised and very confused.
Small disclaimer: This will include EVERY version of Mania such as: Mystic Hills Mania, Mystic Hills Mania (reboot), Skydust Mania, Yandere High/Aria Online Mania, Eterna Valley Mania, Origins Of Olympus Mania, Fairy Tail Origins Mania, My Hero Origins Mania. And these will also include their love interests, Mystic Hills Leon, Mystic Hills Leon (reboot), Skydust Leon, Origins Of Olympus David/Davis, Fairy Tail Origins Mario.
Also in case some of you who haven't watched Mania's other series, Eterna Valley Mania never had a love interest, or at least we weren't introduced to them, Yandere High/Aria Online Mania we thought she had a love interest but turns out it was someone pretending to be Leon so... We'll just list that Mania as not having a love interest and MHO Mania the series is still new and I can't see her with anyone right now.

I was walking towards the bathroom door to get to my room when I felt a surge. Putting my hands against what I guessed was a wall, I felt like throwing up but I didn't, I calmed down my breathing by taking deep breathes in and letting them out, slowly I looked up and I did not know what to think. It looked like there was maybe 13 or 14 people, and strange enough only one of them didn't have black hair, huh. I let my eyes scan over them, checking if I recognized anyone... MARIO! I let go of the wall and ran towards him, knowing not to get to close since of I felt like throwing up he probably feels like he's dying.
"Mario. Hey Mario, breathe. Just breathe," I walked closer and put my hands on my boyfriend's shoulders making sure his breathing returned to a normal pattern.
"Hey Mania," he smiled at me which made me have butterflies in my stomach.
"So...? You have any idea who these people are Mario?"
I moved so that I was standing next to him, looking out I slowly saw that some people were waking up. It looked like a girl with her hair fully covering one eye, was the first to awaken but I wasn't quite sure.

I honestly am just to lazy to write the introductions.

"So.... 7 of us have the same name, another 3 have the same name, an then we have a David and Mario. Well this is very interesting, uhh maybe we should use shortened names? To tell each other apart?"
"Yea, that fine."
"Mhmm, sure."
"Yeah, alright."
"Okay, I don't really care."
"Yea,yea. I just want sleep."
"Alright, sure."

Mystic Hills Leon - MHL
Mystic Hills Reboot Leon - MHRL
Mystic Hills Mania - MHM
Mystic Hills Reboot Mania -MHRM
Skydust Mania - SM
Skydust Leon - SL
Yandere High/Aria Online Mania - YH/AOM
Eternal Valley Mania - EVM
Origins of Olympus Mania - OoOM
Origins of Olympus David - OoOM
Fairy Tail Origins Mania - FTOM
Fairy Tail Origins Mario -FTOMA
My Hero Origins Mania -MHOM
Also I'll be switching the POV to narrator.

"So... How old are you?" (OoOM)
"I'm 21, what about you?" (FTOM)
"I'm 18." (OoOM)
"And you?" (FTOM)
"I'm 16." (MHOM)
"22." (FTOMA)
"18 or 19." (EVM)

And so they talked and talked and talked, eventually they all had to go to sleep and when all of them awoke they were in their beds.

I got so lazy near the end of this. I hope you all have an amazing day/afternoon/night. Bye!


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