The prank

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They met up in Lucas's front yard at 10:30 with mounds of toilet paper, "Jentzen, this was all your idea."  Skye said.  Abby rolled her eyes, "Let's get this over with, I am missing my nightly routine by doing this!"  Abby reminded them.  Devon smiled, "I wish we brought eggs."  Skye sighed, "I am glad we didn't."  Devon looked at her, "This is for you, you know."  Skye looked down, "I didn't even want this, let's get it over with."  Jentzen felt hurt for some reason, he didn't know why, he guessed it was because he wanted Skye to be happy doing this, but he realized he was being too sensitive and passed toilet paper to everybody.  They paired into groups of, Skye and Jentzen, Reese and Devon, and Zoey and Abby.  Lucas's house was small so it was easy to cover the house in 10 minutes, luckily it was a weekend, and all their parents knew was they were hanging out with friends.  Surprisingly, they had a lot of fun together, and maybe even were friends!  They forgot the groups of two thing and they were just walking together while whisper, talking randomly throwing toilet paper.  Eventually, a light flicked on inside the house, they ran into bushes and saw Lucas's older sister walk out of the house with a robe and a face mask on, she looked around in horror and screamed, "MOM!"  Her mom ran downstairs and looked gawked with her mouth open.  But looked into the bushes and saw them, she ran towards them and they decided to, "RUN!"

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