New World

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That was all Steven could muster.

Currently they were still traveling to this new realm. It was almost the same as traveling by warp pad. Almost. The sensation that he was feeling earlier seemed to be growing as the neared their destination. Lion seemed to feel it too.

Steven wanted to test something. Probably not a good idea. But, this is Steven we're talking about.

He put his head though the side of the warp to see the outside. His jaw dropped in awe. It was like he could see all of space and time. There seemed to be multiple portals. And he could faintly see the other sides of them.

Steven could only assume that those were other worlds. There wasn't any safe way to get to them though. They're wasn't a special gateway for them. Steven also noticed that it wasn't cold. Unlike the warps back home.  

Suddenly Steven was pulled back into the warp. "Woah!" He turned to see Lion giving him a deadpan look. Steven scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Sorry Lion, I'll be more careful." 

Finally, the light around them began to dim, and their feet touch the ground. "Lion we're here!" Steven exclaimed excitedly.

The light disappeared completely, and they were able to see their surroundings clearly now. The room they were in bared some resemblance to the one back in their world. However it lacked the fountains.  

Steven and Lion got off the pad and looked around. The sensation was definitely stronger now. It didn't bother them much though. Steven a saw the exit, covered by vines.

"Welp, let's get moving." Lion followed suite as Steven pushed the vines aside and stepped outside.

They appeared to be in a forest of some kind. It was beautiful and full of life. "Woah, it place is incredible! I gotta get a picture!" Steven reached inside his pocket and got his phone. He began walking around as he took pictures of his new environment.

"It's so beautiful. Don't you think Lion?" Said Lion simply nodded in response. As Steven continued to take pictures, a face suddenly appeared in front of his face.  

"Ah!" He exclaimed as he stumbled back startled. It appeared to be a small boy, and Steven noticed his wings. And he was floating!

"Oh um, hello." Steven said as he put his phone away. "Who are you stranger?" The boy asked. His voice was soft and young. Steven smiled. "I'm Steven, nice to meet you!" He said. "And what is that creature?" The boy asked, pointing to Lion. "Oh? That's Lion! My companion." Steven replied.

"Lio! There you are!" Another voice said. Steven and the boy - who's name was apparently Lio - turned to the owner of the voice. It was a girl, who had wings just like the boy, and was flying towards them.

"Lady Gerhade! I was just talking to this human that came out of nowhere." Lio said.
"Is that so?" Gerhade said. She examined Steven, and he did the same. She wore a dress that went from green, to yellow, to orange. Like a leaf. Her legs weren't visible though, as the dress swirled and closed up at the end. It reminded Steven a little bit of a bee. And she had a hat that looked like a huge leaf wrapped around her head. It had a pink flower on it and covered her right eye. Her visible eye was purple.

"Why are you here human?" She eventually asked. Steven snapped out of his gaze and answered. "Well, I'm kind of on an adventure? And where is here anyway?" He asked.

"You do not know Steven? You're in the Fairy King's Forest." Lio said. Steven's eyes winded. 'Fairy King's Forest?' "Wait, does that mean you two are fairies?" He asked. Gerhade raised an eyebrow at his question. "I thought that would be obvious. Have you not seen a fairy before?" Steven shook his head. "Nope! But, it's cool to see some real ones! See, I'm not from here. Like, from this world." He said.

"What do you mean?" Gerhade asked, interest peaked. "Well, I'm from another world. I found a magical gateway that connects out two worlds. It was created by some guy named Belialuin." Steven explained.

Both of the fairy's eyes widened. "Belialuin? As in THE Belialuin? He's an ancient wizard!" Lio exclaimed. "Well, yeah. The dude apparently has a thirst for knowledge so he created a gateway to travel between worlds, so he could explore my world I guess." Steven responded, shrugging.

"And it brought you here?" Gerhade questioned. "Looks like it." Steven said. "Lio, why don't you go back to the rest of your friends? I wish to speak with the human alone." Gerhade said. "Of course Lady Gerhade." Then Lio flew off.

Gerhade turned back to Steven. " that your name?" Steven grinned. "Yep! I'm Steven Universe! Nice to meet you Lady Gerhade." Steven bowed with a hand on his chest. Gerhade watched him with curiosity.
"Curious, the magical power in sensing from you is unlike anything I've ever felt." She said.

Steven straightened and looked up. "Wait, magical power? You can sense that?" Steven asked. "Of course, you should know that all magical beings can sense other magical power." She said. Steven snapped his fingers as realization dawned on him.  "Oh! That's probably the sensation that me and Lion felt earlier!" He said.

"Your Lion?" Gerhade asked. "Yeah! He's magical too! He's the reason I found the gateway actually. I'm guessing he sensed the magical power coming from it and went there." Steven said.

"Interesting. Well Steven Universe, you seem like no threat, the Forest doesn't let evil souls enter, so why don't you and your Lion join me and head back to the village?" She offered with a kind smile.

Steven smiled back. "I'd be delighted! Let's go Lion!" Steven called to his companion. Who had been taking a nap. Lion yawned and walked with Steven and Gerhade to the Fairy village.

Steven Universe meets The Seven Deadly SinsWhere stories live. Discover now