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Disclaimer: Good Omens, along with its characters, locations, etc. are the property of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. If I owned the rights to it, I wouldn't still be desperate to meet the man that I absolutely ADORE: David Tennant.

Summary: Five years post-apocalypse, established Ineffable Husbands. Aziraphale and Crowley are strolling around holding hands and run into group of homophobes that take issue with two men (so to speak) having a relationship. The boys put them in their place, but it upsets Aziraphale. Angst, hurt/comfort, romance. One-Shot.

A/N: Another idea that I've had in the notes of my phone for a while. I'm bored and figured that I might as well write another story before I get busy with school again. I don't know where exactly this story is going to go, so we'll be taking this journey together! If you like it, please consider leaving a kind review, those fuel me to write more! Thanks!




It had been five years since the apocalypse that had almost ended everything, and it had also been five years since Aziraphale and Crowley had confessed that they loved each other, and could not fathom living another minute on the earth without the other being by their side. They had been living in the flat above the bookshop ever since, spending as much time with each other as they could and simply enjoying their lives without their respective head offices looming over them.

Today, they had decided to have lunch at a small diner and then go for a stroll through St. James Park, just because they could. They had just finished their lunch (or, rather, Aziraphale finished his lunch and Crowley had finished a glass or two of wine) and were taking their walk, their hands clasped together and small smiled gracing their faces. They were walking in silence, content to simply spend time with each other without meaningless chatter to fill the air. They had been walking for only ten minutes when they came upon a group of about five men and two women surrounding a park bench.

Crowley and Aziraphale stepped off the path into the grass to avoid them, but their plan was derailed when the people turned toward them with a glare.

"And what do you think you're doing?" one of the men, seemingly the leader, asked, turning toward them with a huff. He crossed his arms over his chest menacingly.

"Going for a walk." Crowley answered shortly, tugging on Aziraphale's hand to move them along. One of the men stepped in the way, and Crowley and to physically stop himself from baring his teeth and hissing. "Is there a problem?" Crowley asked as calmly as he could.

"Seems there is." One of the women stepped forward.

Crowley glanced down at Aziraphale, who has a blank look on his face. "Can I ask what the problem is?" He asked, looking back up at the woman. He fought the urge to whip his sunglasses off his face and scare them away.

"You two are together, eh? You know that goes against the Bible?" a third man said, stepping up next to the first one, his arms crossed.

"It really doesn't." Crowley snarled. He started plotting to get away from the group, but there didn't seem to be a way without getting into a physical altercation. He tightened his grip on Aziraphale's hand, which one of the men seemed to notice.

"That's disgusting. Don't you read the Bible?"

"I have." Crowley said shortly. He was waiting for one of them to say something stupid so he could put them in their place and he and Aziraphale could leave without too much of a fuss.

"And you're still in a relationship with another man?" the woman spit at their feet, and Crowley snarled quietly.

"I am." He snapped. He squeezed Aziraphale's hand again.

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