Chapter 1

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Your POV:

Unbeknownst to me, the cold air gradually began to seep through my layers of clothes. Slowly its journey began, pervading through the heavy cotton of my coat, who proudly struggled before finally ceding; my visibly formidable defense was defeated. Next it reached the blazer. Unprepared by the coat's flaw, the clean, new wool of the coat put up a fight, but not a strong one. The chill of the air permeated through the layered fabric with ease to its final opponent. The thinner cotton of my button up stood no chance, and as such it resisted little. The brisk wave had reached its destination.

I feel a shiver run up my spine. Perhaps I need a new coat.

I shrug to myself, realizing that it is far too late to buy new outerwear. Glancing upwards, I begin to see the enormity of the building before me. Large, tan cubes line the upper half of the architecture, each hollowed out with room for a window. I see the outer walls spanning down a small road, curving into the shape of an "L" towards the end. While not the prettiest of buildings, it was intimidating for sure. Unfamiliar territory usually is.

Even after visiting this section of Quantico while training, I still felt a deep emptiness in my core. Although visual aspects of the buildings barely differ, I know the intangible entity of importance weighs far heavier here.

I check my watch: half past seven. I'm supposed to arrive at eight.

I sigh, realizing that my angst and eagerness had cost me my breakfast and had gained me absolutely nothing. Will they let me in early? I'm sure there are some people already in the building, I think to myself.

Taking one last breath of the crisp, frigid air, I make my way towards the entrance.

As I push the broad, glass doors open I glance at the floor inside of the headquarters. A petite rainbow forms below and moves in sync with the doors shifting.  I guess I entered at the perfect moment; the sun had just risen enough to peak through the aperture between buildings and trees, elegantly gracing the doors with the presence of its light. As I let the doors shut behind me, I see the refraction travel once again, and eventually dissipate as the doors return to their original position.

A sign of luck, perhaps? I think inquisitively. Although I'm not the spiritual type, maybe believing that some kind of supernatural force travels with me will ease my nerves. It, however, did not.

As soon as I glance up to see the extensive room before me my stomach drops as I snap back into reality and grasp the magnitude of my situation. Here I stand, in one of the most esteemed buildings in Quantico, about to begin my first day at my dream job in the FBI, with very little previous experience.

I shudder, but regain my composure quickly. Not wanting to draw attention to myself, I quickly make my way towards the counter on the right side of the room. As I wait for the man working there to acknowledge my presence, I glance around and study the lobby. Well, lobby might be pushing it. There are no chairs or benches, just marble floor leading up to some tall, slim metal scanners, probably for IDs. Apart from the occasional pillar and plant, the entranceway was barren. Although I'm sure the lack of interior design stems from the insurance of tight security, it was a far from welcoming setting.

"Can I help you with something?" the man behind the counter finally asks. His eyes haven't left his computer and he still types vigorously on the keyboard. Hospitality doesn't seem to be too commonplace in situations like these, as I can recall from experience.

I smile warmly before saying hello, and I begin to explain my position. "It's my first day. I'm working in the Behavioral Sciences Unit," I paused awkwardly before continuing "I'm a little lost, can you tell me where I'm supposed to go?"

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