Chapter 1 - The Bus Stop

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Three weeks earlier...

"Kai, Dianna, are you kids sure you don't want one of us to drive you to school?"

Kai rolled their eyes, this wasn't their first-first day of school, mom didn't need to be such a worry wart. They looked over to their sister, frowning when they had to crane their neck to meet the taller girl's eyes. Dianne smiled and nodded silently, picking up her toast and taking a bite out of it. Kai rolled their eyes playfully and took a swig of their orange juice.

"We'll be fine, Mom. The bus will be a great way to meet soon to be friends!" They exclaimed excitedly, tossing their arms out to the side. Thankfully Dianne caught her plate before it crashed to the floor. Kai smiled sheepishly and gave a curt nod in thanks

"I'll watch them." Dianna said, a gentle yet teasing smile on her lips. Kai nodded enthusiastically with a wide, almost sinister looking grin.

"Well..." Their mom looked between the two of them before sighing. "Okay then." The twins cheered in their own ways, and soon enough, breakfast was over.

"Okay we're leaving, bye mom!" Kai exclaimed, a wide grin on their face as they haphazardly put on their backpack. Dianna did the same, but with much more grace.

"Oh, one more thing kids!" Their mom yelled from the kitchen. They paused for a moment at the door. "I heard there are four boys at your bus stop, please be... normal around them okay?"

Dianna sighed, a small frown beginning to grow. "We'll be good, Mom." She said, the small amount of enthusiasm in her voice fading away.

With the awkward conversation ending like that, the twins left the house. Once they got outside into the cold Autumn day, the tension rose off of their bodies, and they succumbed to the friendly atmosphere of the town.


It was a short walk to the bus stop, but it was pleasant, and gave the twins time to prep for their very first introductions. As they approached the stop, four figures came into view. Dianna reached out and wrung her pinkie in Kai's, taking a shaky breath. Kai smiled and puffed out their chest, practically stealing Dianna's confidence for themself.

"Hello! Are you four waiting for the bus too?" Dianna internally cringed. Her sibling was not very perceptive, where they? Clearly they- Oh the boys were looking at them.

The four boys' conversation came to a stand still, and they stared at the pair in varying expressions. One boy, with black hair and a blue beanie, was wide eyed with slightly pink cheeks, probably from the cold. Another wore a bright green hat, and he had a quizzical expression on his face. The next was more chubby, and he looked annoyed and inconvenienced. The last's face was mostly covered by his parka, only his eyes and a tuft of his blond hair could be seen.

Out of their excitement, Kai let go of Dianna's hand and raced to the boys. "I'm Kai and that's my sister Dianna! We just moved in last night!" That was a lie, they moved in Friday evening but didn't leave the house until now.

"Uh, hi, I'm Stan." The black haired boy greeted, sticking his hand out for a shake. Kai returned it enthusiastically. The chubby kid began whispering to the parka boy, and it made Dianna shift uneasily.

"Dianna isn't much of a talker, but it's nice to meet you all, from the both of us!" Kai exclaimed brightly, placing their hands on their hips. The confidence that radiated from them gave the boys a feeling that Kai was alright.

"Well, we're happy to meet you! I'm Kyle!" The red headed boy greeted, sending a comforting wave towards Dianna, who shied behind her shorter twin. He smiled before turning back to the other two. "The fatass is Cartman and that's Kenny." He pointed to the two of them and Kai bounced over to greet them, leaving their poor sister alone with Stan and Kyle.

"Hello!" Kai greeted with a smile, practically bouncing in their place. Cartman gave a confused and disgusted look, whilst Kenny gave them a wink.

"Mmmph mphh mmphh!" Kenny said. Well, it was muffled and Dianna couldn't understand it, but Kai seemed to, and they laughed lightly.

Dianna decided to let their twin do their thing and decided her thing was to stand there awkwardly. She managed to shift to the side of Stan, and found a sudden interest in her shoes. Should she have worn something different today?

With the question still in the teen's head, the bus arrived rather abruptly, startling the twins. The boys paid no mind, showing their amusement at the two. Cartman walked on first, Kyle and Stan following, then Kai. Kenny stood back, eyeing the quiet sister cautiously. She flashed him a nervous smile before hopping onto the bus. He knew there was something off about them, but he couldn't tell what it was.

"Kinneh! Get your poor ass in here!" Cartman's annoying voice rang like an alarm clock in the air, but Kenny got onto the bus anyways, the twins taking up his thoughts.


Hello again my subjects! I hope you like this chapter, I am almost a hundred percent sure it will get better soon. I've already introduced one of the twin's friend groups, I bet you won't be able to guess whose it is!

Okay, but I promise to get to the superhero business soon enough! I just need to figure out how to get there

I also wish to say that I have trouble drawing these backgrounds! One day I will also get better at those, mark my words!

Anyways, I must say farewell! And good day!

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