Chapter 2 - The Female Initiation

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The bus ride to South Park High was short lived, but Kai admired the sights of the little town on the way. They took note of the many stores on the way, planning to take a walk to explore after school. They glanced over at Dianna, who was lost in thought while glancing at her fingers. They noticed the slight shake to them, and smiled gently.

"You'll be okay." Kai said, taking their sister's hand gently. She nodded curtly, but didn't give any other reaction. Kai sighed and left their hand in hers, ignoring the tight grip.

"So you fellas are new to South Park, huh?" A new voice came from above them, causing the twins to look up. From the seat in front of them, a blonde haired boy was peaking over the back, staring at them with wide eyes. "I'd better warn ya, this is a dangerous place, you two better be careful, okay little buddies?" His words confused the twins, but Kai smiled at him brightly.

"There's nothing me and my sis can't handle, but thanks!" They exclaimed. They dislodged their hand from Dianna's and stuck it out to the boy. "I'm Kai!"

The boy smiled and took their hand. "The name's Butters, it sure is nice to see new faces!" His bubbly personality makes Dianna smile slightly, and Kai's grin widens at him.

"It's nice to meet you too, Butters!" Kai and Butters shook hands enthusiastically. Their handshake was wild and over exaggerated and silly. The two let go of one another, practically radiating sunshine as they shared closed eyed smiles.

"Stupid fucks." A groan escaped from Butter's seat partner, and Cartman's head appeared above the seat. "What the fuck are you guys doing?" He asked, staring at the pair in annoyance. Kai narrowed their eyes.

"I'm talking to Butters, what's it to you?" They said standing up in their seat. The shoved an accusing finger at the other teen, a snarky grin beginning to grow on their face.

Dianna shifted uncomfortably, tuning out the loud voices. She pulled out her phone, and opened her email. Before they moved into town, her mother thought it would be a good idea to set her up with a pen pal in South Park. She sent them a message, expressing how excited she was to meet them.


I can't wait until lunch, the people on my bus are too loud...


I can't wait either!

You'll make it through!

I believe in you!

Dianna smiled at her phone, putting it away in her bag when the bus came to a stop. Kai snatched her hand and shoved her out of the seat, excitement radiating from the twin.

"Come on, Di! Let's go!" Kai's excitement made Dianna smile, maybe today wouldn't be so bad.


Dianna never should have thought. Just in general. She melted in her seat as the PC Principle of the school handed her and Kai their schedules. They only had one class together and it was their last class of the day. Dianna nervously began tapping her fingers together, staring at her schedule in disbelief.

"Are you sure we can't change my schedule a bit?" Kai asked, not nervous for themself, but more worried for their sister.

PC Principal sighed and took his sunglasses off, giving the twins a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry kids, but once the schedules are made there's no changing them."

Dianna sighed and placed her hand on Kai's shoulder, when her twin glanced at her, she solemnly shook her head. A silent it'll be fine sent to Kai caused them to ease up.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2021 ⏰

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