4= Are Flaws Actually Flaws?

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Starting with the name of Allah Almighty, Most Merciful and Most Gracious.

بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ

Peace and Blessings of Allah Almighty be upon our Beloved Prophets, their companions and all the Believers in this world or the other.

"On the Day you see it every nursing mother will be distracted from that [child] she was nursing, and every pregnant woman will abort her pregnancy, and you will see the people [appearing] intoxicated while they are not intoxicated; but the punishment of Allah is severe."
(Surat-ul- Hajj)

You see, all the signs of Akhira is coming true. The things Allah Almighty told us centuries ago are now coming true. All the sings of The Day. We don't even know how much time we have.

May Allah Almighty have mercy on us, and all the believers present in this world or other and bless us with the gift of Jannat-ul-Firdous. Ameen.

If you haven't prayed yet. Then please first pray, because your connection with Allah Almighty is much more important.
And don't say I'll pray the next pray, who knows except Allah Almighty when our time will come. And the pray you pray now will become the reason of His Mercy on you on The Day.


"So, What do you do?"

"Me?", Badr asked confused.

"Yeah, I mean what do you do for the living? Or what are you studying?", AbdulWadood explained.

"I... I'm an engineer. Software engineer", Badr said hesitantly and AbdulWadood completely missed the apologetic look Badr had in his eyes. And he asked again and again forgiveness to his Lord as only He knew the reason he couldn't tell the truth to AbdulWadood.

"Really? Then you must be very good with technology".

"Yeah, I love electronics. You know when I was little, I always used to admire these electronic gadgets. And whenever my mom and dad would allow me to use it. Unlike other kids I would always go to its depth, its manufacture, its functions, most sensitive points. It was so amazing. And then it became my career.", he ended with a chuckle, as he answered this time with truth.

"Wow... Really? You're 20, and yet you've accomplished this. Have you completed your university?"

"No, I still study and also balance my job. I know it's hard to believe but it's fun, sometimes maybe stressful but nevertheless it's fun. Every day in college, I get to learn something new, and then I use it as a benefit on my career".

"So tell me, what do you do?", Badr cleared his throat asked to change the topic from him to AbdulWadood.

"I have a passion for architecture. From my childhood I have always had a passion to see new buildings, their designs, and its manufacture. Even before I completed my high school. I knew this was my place. My Dad also owns an architecture firm, so I think I inherited this passion from him. "

He had a shine in his eyes as he spoke and even when Badr asked him a question, that didn't wipe off,

"So you work in your dad's firm now?"

"No. Actually, in high school, I skipped two years. And then had to jump two years. In the starting it was really difficult to cover those two years. But Alhamdulillah with Allah Almighty's help, I got second position and Alhamdulillah, I got scholarship in my university. And even though Allah Almighty has blessed us with so many things we don't even deserve.
I still wanted to do job. And before the exams of highschool,
There was a competiton for the architecture designs from a very famous country",
he continued to ramble in excitement,
"I got First position in it and on the next day, got a very good position in their firm. Even though dad wanted me to take his position."

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