Chapter 23 | I Will Not Be Weak For You

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"Her name was Virginia, but that's all I really know about her," Zona messed with the bandage that Octavia had pressed on her wound, looking up at Bellamy through her eyelashes. "She was older than I, and trained with Anya while I trained with Migro. We were kept apart because love is weak. Migro had told me he had saved us from the reapers, that our own mother had left us there to die."

Bellamy was holding onto Zona, her back pressed against his chest in his tent. It had been an hour since they discovered that Murphy blew a big hole on the side of the dropship and Bellamy was still furious at him for shooting Zona, luckily though with Monty's moonshine and Octavia's somewhat knowledge of medicine, they had stopped the bleeding and Zona had some how took out the bullet from her arm on her own. Stunning most of the sky people, but not Bellamy. That was the brave grounder princess he knew.

"When you first spoke to us, after you tried to save Wells... You said you were from the sea people?" Bellamy shifted from his seat so he could wrap his arms around Zona's small waist. Her braids were long gone, leaving her hair in a tangled mess around her head as she ran a shaky hand through it.

"Yes, Migro had also said that our mother was from there, but I don't know what to believe. Recently, I found out he is my 'father' but I just don't know Bellamy." Zona's shoulders shook as she let out a strangled sob and rested her head on Bellamy's broad collarbone. "It's okay princess," Bellamy kissed the top of her head as she curled into him even further. She was now on her side, her knees almost touching Bellamy's chest.

She looked up at him and wiped her tears. "How foolish of me to cry," she humored. Bellamy smiled down at her and kissed her nose. "It's not foolish, Zona."

She ignored him and sighed loudly. "Even if Migro is my father, he murdered my sister and he got away with it. If he were my father, I murdered him. I am not capable of love Bellamy. It is weak," Zona looked up at him, a frown evident on his face.

"Do you really believe that?" Bellamy's arms loosened around her waist as he leaned back to look at Zona's face. "Yes."

Bellamy's jaw clenched and he looked away from her, not wanting to discuss this any further. He stood up, careful not to move her small form and threw on his boots. "We should get outside, grounders can attack any second now and Clarke or Finn aren't even back yet." Zona had completely forgotten abouth them up until now, and she shuddered at the thought of the 'grounders' possibly killing them.

Bellamy walked towards the flap of the tent and Zona hurriedly stood up to catch his attention. "Bellamy, wait."

He sighed but turned around nonetheless. He waited patiently for Zona to say something, but when she didnt't he rose an eyebrow at her. "What?"

"I'm leaving," she blurted out.

That was like a slap in the face to Bellamy. "Excuse me?" He walked towards her and angrily grabbed on to her healthy arm. Zona looked at his hurt expression and swallowed harshly. "I'm leaving," she repeated. Usually she was a very confident person, but under Bellamy's glare it was a whole different story.

"And where the fuck are you going to go? You're not leaving. You're staying hear with me, where I can protect you," he pulled her closer to him, their faces inches away from each other. "I do not meed your protection, if anything you need mine. I am going to the sea people, Lincoln and I-"

"What? That's not true! And Lincoln? You're leaving me for Lincoln?" Bellamy scoffed and released her arm rather rudely. "That's not what I am saying Belamy. It is too dangerous for us. Love is weak, and look what it's done! I'm the one taking all the hits for loving you!"

Zona shut her mouth as Bellamy took a step away from her, the words sinking in. Zona loves him. They stayed silent for what felt like hours, but was only seconds until Bellamy shook his head.

"Don't leave me," he closed the gap between them and craddled her face in his hands, kissing her with all his might. Bellamy practically moaned into the kiss as he lifted her up onto his work desk and stood between her legs.

Zona pushed him away angrily when his hands started roaming around her body. "I am sorry." She slipped on her boots hurriedly and ran out of the tent, but not before grabbing her dagger and jacket. She pulled it on as she heard heavy footsteps behind her.

"Zona!" Bellamy yelled when she passed Octavia and Jasper who both asked where she was going. "Zona! Fucking stop!" A strangled voice called for Bellamy making both him and Zona spin around. Raven stood there, clutching onto her abdomen, her clothes were printed with blood.

"She's been shot," Bellamy hurriedly ran to where she leaned against the dropship. He caught her before she fell, making Zona's heart ache, remembering what Murphy said before.

She wanted so desperately to be in Bellamy' arms right now, to have him kiss her with his plump lips, and be tangled together in the makeshift bed of his tent. But that was all weak. All of it. She was not weak.

Zona spun on her heels and stormed out of camp without any sky people questioning her.

When Bellamy returned from putting Raven in the dropship, as Octavia had ordered him, Zona was gone.


a/n; so I wanted to dedicate a chapter to just them. I know I changed some stuff around a bit :)

- Emily ❤️

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