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"The world is slowly burning and I'm not going stick around to drown in the flames Castor!" I yelled as he tried to stop the blood dripping from my wrists.

"The world isn't burning you're just crazy!" he shouted angrily at me.

"I am not crazy you just don't see and know what I do!" I protested.

"Calysta, Please listen to me those are just dreams you're hallucinating." he pleaded with me. His pleades weren't going to work this time. He has talked me out of death so many times that I can't even count. These visions are so vived they can't be dreams he is to real for that. I could see the dark haired boy drowning now. I have to save him there are no exceptions. I can't fail another soul espeacially not since my dad left and my mom became a drunk. It has been way to hard to see people suffer and die slowly. Many of my friends have gone that way that's why I want to follow down the path too.

"The dark haired boy needs me he is going to die I can see it and if you wont believe me then I'm leaving... leaving forever!" I screamed at him and struggles in his grip.

"You can't leave me espeacially not now!" he retorted shoving me into a wall. The next thing I knew everything went black...

I had another vision this one was of a woman of a dark haired woman with a bitter expression and deep brown eyes. She seemed to be destroying me with her eyes slowly ripping out my soul. Finally she spoke, "Hello Calysta."
"Who are you? What do you want with me?" I responded forcefully.
"You need to come with me to New York, to a place called Camp Half-Blood. It will answer your questions about the other visions."
"Ok A who the hell do you think you are and B can't go to New York I don't have the money and I can't leave Castor."
"Listen pathetic child you can bring Castor and I will provide transportation. Just meet me here when you get to New York," she commanded and scribbled something down on a piece of paper.
"This will be goodbye for now Calysta," she said and disappeared. I heard the sound of metal clanging. Why the hell would metal be clanging?

The Visions of the SaviorWhere stories live. Discover now