Dark haired boy

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I shot up and looked around. "Castor" I gasped he was laying ten feet away under a pine tree that had some sort of Gold fleece on the roots. I crawled up the hill toward him. He had blood trickling down his face, I was deeply concerned. Then I looked up and saw some sort of camp. Standing up utterly confused. I decided I would try to get help from these people. Jez Castor is heavy. As I was dragging him toward the camp a black haired green eyed attractive young male walked up to me.

" What happened to him?"

"I don't know one minute we were arguing and the next I blacked out and as confronted by this evil looking peron an- a-and then we ended up here," at this point I was in tears craddling my friend.

" Alright it's ok we will get him to the infirmary and then think about how you got here." He picked up Castor and carried him toward a big house. I followed close behind thinking about everything that just happened. I was so confused.

We eventually got to the infirmary and I just sat next to Castor the entire time not wanting to move in fear that if I left something would happen. They stitched him up and said he would be out for a few days and that I should go get some rest. The green eyed boy led me to a cabin that looked like a normal oak cabin and said that everything would be explained tomorrow.

It was impossible to fall asleep that night I was worried Castor and the dark haired boy. I looked at the clock it was around midnight I decided I would go take a look at my suroundings. I tiptoed out of the cabin and started walking in a random direction. The lake is beautiful that is all I have to say. I sat on this huge rock next to the shore, it was quite peacful until I heard someone walk up behind me. My headwhipped around so fast I almost got dizzy. It was dark, but I realized that it was the dark haired boy from my visions. That is when I fell off the rock.

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