Chapter 6

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George made his way downstairs, nearly tripping over the cat as he walked. He found Clay on the phone, worriedly pacing the living room. As soon as the two made eye contact, George knew something was wrong.

Clay cleared his throat and continued talking on the phone. "And you're positive he didn't stop by?" He nodded as he got a response. "Okay. I'll let you know if we find anything. Thanks, Zak." Clay then hung up and looked at George. "Dylan is gone." It was only then that he noticed the dark bags hanging under his eyes. His messy hair. His unconfident stance. "I was out all night looking for him. No one has seen him."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"This isn't the first time he's disappeared. I didn't want to wake you up if it wasn't serious." Clay sat on the couch behind him. "He's gone, George."

George sat down beside him and gently placed his hand on Clay's back. "How are you so sure?"

"He left his bike and some of his stuff is missing. His backpack is gone, along with his mom's picture and a teddy bear his dad gave to him before he passed. It's like he took all of his possessions and ran."

"Have you tried calling him?"

"What do you think I did? Just not attempt to contact him?" Clay pressed his face into his hands, muffling his voice. "Of course, I fucking tried to call him. I was sent straight to voicemail."

"And no one else has heard from him?"

"No, George."


Clay grabbed his phone. "Zak will call a company meeting, and Nick and Wilbur are both out trying to figure out where he went already. I wanted to join them, but they told me to stay home in case he came back."

"I'm sure everything will be just fine, Clay," George reassured him. "Dylan may just need a bit of space after last night."

"He's never gone off the grid like this, George. Never." George could feel Clay shaking in his grasp. "I'm so scared. What if they took him?"

George didn't have to ask who Clay was referring to because the same thought crossed his mind. The possibility that the gang took him seemed incredibly high, which frightened him. They still had no idea who they were up against, and they just took one of their team's greatest assets. "We'll find him."

"What if we don't?"

"We'll bring him home."

"What if we can't get to him in time?"

"He'll be safe."

"What if we can't, George?" Clay exhaled slowly, trying to stay calm. "Realistically speaking, we won't have much time to find him. I give it a few days, tops."

"So, what? You're just going to give up?"

"I'm not giving up, but I'm not going to get my hopes up either. I'm not going to set myself up for failure."

George laid his head on Clay's shoulder, quietly listening as he began to cry. "Failure isn't an option right now. And we don't even know if he was taken. All we can do is wait."

Clay and George's phones both buzzed simultaneously with a message from Zak, demanding every agent to attend a meeting that would be held in an hour. "I can't go to the meeting," Clay whispered. "I'm not leaving, just in case he comes back."

George stood up and stretched, feeling his back pop. "That's okay, I understand. I'll relay any information I get. I promise." George bent down and kissed Clay's forehead. "I'll be back. Text me if anything happens." Clay nodded and watched George go back upstairs to get ready for the meeting.

Bang and Burn 2: Compromised {Dreamnotfound}Where stories live. Discover now