Chapter 10

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Initiation nights were always huge. It was the one night that everyone could watch a collection of roughed up teens compete for a spot in the gang. While Saturn craved the chaos that the event provided, they could do without the torture the teenagers had to go through. While proving that they had the necessary skills, they would also be put through rigorous testing that put their minds and bodies to the test. This month's initiation included a new torture device made by Schlatt's second-in-command, Alexis. As kind as he seemed, he always came up with some of the most challenging things for the newbies to do.

In the middle of the makeshift arena was a plastic box connected to a hose of some sort. Everyone eagerly waited to see what the box did, ready to see some suffering. All Saturn could do was cringe. They usually didn't come to these sorts of things, but when their good friend, Indigo, was asked to assist Alexis, Saturn had to be there to watch.

The crowd erupted into cheers as Alexis entered the arena, followed by Indigo and his other helpers. It wasn't hard for Saturn to find Indigo among the people coming in, their blue-tinted hair and lean build sticking out from the others around them. When Indigo's eyes locked with Saturn's, they exchanged a friendly yet nervous smile. Indigo didn't particularly enjoy these initiations either, but getting recognized by Alexis was a huge deal. Indigo couldn't say no.

The crowd's cheering began hurting Saturn's ears as another man walked into the arena, dawning a suit. The edges of his mouth were curled into a permanent smile, making him even scarier than anyone Saturn had seen before. Saturn couldn't imagine what it must be like for the people who die at his hands. The last thing they see is his smile. Schlatt carried himself in a particular, manipulative way. He was dangerous, but his charismatic nature drew people in.

"WELCOME, EVERYONE!" Schlatt yelled out, his voice amplified by a microphone attached to his suit jacket somewhere. He held his arms open wide as the cheering continued. He then motioned for an opening under the stands that he entered from. "Let's give a warm welcome to this month's initiates!"

Saturn lifted their hands to clap, but couldn't bring themselves to do so. Schlatt prided himself on pushing initiates past their limits, often resulting in their deaths. A group of teenagers came in, each one looking more torn up than the last.

Beside them, Alexis's good friend, Alastair, elbowed Saturn in the side. "Who do you think is dropping first?" His deep, British accent caught Saturn off guard every time he spoke, despite knowing him for a few years.

Saturn looked out on the teens. " see that small blond one?" Saturn pointed at a kid in a black hoodie that looked two sizes too big. "Him."

Alastair nodded. "I'm putting my money on the tall, lanky ginger at the end of the line." He offered his hand out to Saturn. "Wanna shake on it?"

Saturn smirked and shook his hand. "You're on."

"Alright, as always, Alexis is going to introduce this month's challenge!" Schlatt announced. He turned his head to look at Alexis. "This one is going to be devious."

Alexis stepped forward, quietly instructed his helpers to prepare the box, then began explaining it to everyone. "This, here, is a water coffin. Initiates will have their hands bound together and will have to unlock multiple locks on the inside of the box as it gets pumped with gallons of water. You either get yourself out or drown trying." As soon as he finished, water began filling the box. Alexis pointed at the tall ginger, then instructed him to get into the box.


The ginger rolled up his grey shirt sleeves and jumped into the box, excited to get this started. Alexis placed a clear lid on the box that had six keys and locks attached to it. In order for the teenager to get out, he'd have to match the keys to their locks, then push it out to get out. Alexis signaled for Indigo to turn on the water, then stood back and yelled for the boy to begin.

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