Chapter 10

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"Best night ever," Jake stated plainly as we walked up the coast which we had ran along just hours ago.

I laughed. "You say that every full moon. Which one is actually your favorite?"

He shrugged. "All of 'em."

I nodded solemnly. "I guess you're right. They're all pretty amazing." I quieted down as a few seventh graders ran along the beach, screaming at the one who held a snake on a stick.

Snake! one's thoughts screamed.

Wish I was a snake, the one holding the snake thought glumly as he chased the girls around.

Stupid little brother. Always getting into trouble. Has Lilian seen these dogs prints? Huge! an eighth grader, the snake-holder's big brother, thought.

They've seen our prints, I told Jake, panicking a bit.

Don't worry, they'd never link them to us. There are loads of wolves out here, anyways, he thought back. Other thoughts interlinked with his message, but I blocked them out.

That big? I growled, sending him a dark look.

Maybe, he responded, shrugging.

I grumbled under my breath until the kids had passed. Jake nudged my shoulder and I stopped. "Stupid kids. Always nosing around."

Jake laughed, and I glared. "They weren't nosing around. This is a public beach, not some private little-" he lowered his voice- "wolf running area."

"Whatever," I snapped. Jake laughed again. We walked along the beach for a time and, when no one was in sight, climbed the rocky cliff and phased. I whined and nudged Jake's brown head. He sat down, wagging his tail. I sat next to him, and we looked out over the edge of the cliff. People played below us, but didn't seem to notice two giant wolves sitting on the ledge. It amused me, and I made the strange rumbling sound that was laughing.

What? Jake demanded. His mind wandered, and then he came back to his question. Sorry, hard to think about one thing.

It's okay, the mind isn't meant to focus on one thing, I thought back. Anyways, I was thinking how it's funny that the humans down there don't notice us sitting here. Two giant wolves looking over them.

It is kind of funny, he responded, chuckling. I stood up and scratched behind my ear with my hind leg. Jake yawned and lay down. I stretched and put my front paws on a tree, as if trying to climb it. Then I smelled something. It was human. And it was near.

Jake! I screamed in my mind. I sent him the scent, and together we leapt from the cliff, running down the cliffs. People screamed as they saw us. We kept running, soon almost in blur mode. I entered the Zone and heard the human shoot a dart. I yelped and leapt forward. The dart landed in the sand behind me. Jake and I ran faster. Darts pelted the earth directly behind us, missing our tails by centimeters.

We ran until we were behind the cliffs. I phased, and Jake followed suit. We were both breathing hard, but not from running; it was from panic. I was shuddering extremely hard. Jake, who was a bit steadier than me, walked over and held me close to him. I hugged myself, leaning against Jake, shuddering.

"It's okay," Jake assured me.

I shook my head. "No, no, it isn't. I-it isn't!"

Jake nodded. "Let's go. We need to tell-"

"No!" I yelled, falling to the soggy ground. Jake caught me and set me down.

"Nixie! Nixie, are you okay?" He put a hand under my chin and forced me to look at him. I sniffed and was surprised to feel tears in my eyes when I blinked. Jake wiped them away. "It's okay."

I looked away and nodded, tucking my black hair behind my ear. With a huge breath, I told Jake about Bill and Eddie. At the end, he sucked in a breath and said in a strained voice, "We have to leave. They know, and we have to leave."

I shook my head. "The pack have lived here. They can't just abandon them because I let them get my DNA."

"Then you and I will leave."

I smiled weakly. "No, Jake, you also have a life."

"I'd give it up."

"Be quiet, Jake," I growled. "No one is going anywhere. Not even me."

"Why not?" he demanded, standing.

"No reason. Remember, I told them I'd send the pack on them if they told."

"Doesn't mean they won't," he pointed out.

I took a deep breath and stood, walking away from Jake. He followed silently, hands stuffed into his jean pockets. His brown hair, which spiked up in the front, was dripping wet from the spray of the ocean. My own hair was also spotted with droplets of water.

We walked in silence all the way to my house. I mulled over what had happened, sure that I had almost just been captured.

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