Chapter 18

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I had stuffed my phone into my mattress before I had left. Therefore, there wasn't a way that my parents could call me. If my father told me to come home, I had to obey. All wolves had to obey Alpha's orders. Your wish is my command and all that junk. Anyways, I was really surprised when a letter was laying next to me when I woke up a few days after leaving Mexico.

I gasped and scrambled to me feet, bumping into a sleeping Jake. He grunted and opened his eyes halfway. "Whadoyouwan?" he mumbled, still mostly asleep. I grasped his forearm and pointed to the letter. He rolled his head, and when he saw it, was immediately awake. "Whoa."

Dylan and Kyle woke up and then we all sat in a circle around the letter. I bit my lip and hesitantly reached for it. My name was printed neatly, in cursive, on the front. I sighed, somewhat relieved. It was my mother's handwriting. "Open it," Dylan suggested.

I turned it over and opened the envelope. Inside were four different papers. I took the first one and unfolded it.

I can't believe you ran away! I wouldn't have had the nerves to do it. You should have seen Mom and Dad when they found that letter on your desk! Mom was about in tears and Dad was super angry. He sent out like most of the pack looking for you guys, but your scents ended at that stream. Where are you? By the way, if you don't back, I'm taking your room.
Not with too much love,

I snorted and tossed her letter to the side. My sister was the same. Except for the fact that Mom was almost in tears, her letter was worth less than a blade of grass. I pulled out the second one while the boys read the first.

Honey, please come home. We miss you so much. Your father is angry with you, yes, but he misses you a lot. Please don't think that running away will solve anything. The pack misses you. We miss you. Come back, sweetie. Be safe with Jake.

My eyes welled with tears, but I wiped them away and pulled the third one out. I gulped. My dad. This one I was expecting to be the worst.

Why you think it's okay to run away, I don't know. I'm very upset with you. If you had a phone, or some other way for me to talk to you with my voice, I would order you home. You will be punished when you get home, don't think you won't.
I'm guessing one reason you left is to find a way for the pack to communicate. I want to wish you good luck, darling. Come back as soon as you can.
No funny stuff with Jake.

I crumpled this one up, a blush creeping to my face. Then I looked back into the envelope, and there was once more piece of paper. It read Jake on it, so I handed it to him. He opened it, read it, and grimaced when he was done.

"We're in loads of trouble, aren't we?" I said quietly.

He grimaced again and nodded. "Yep. I'll be grounded for at least two months, and might have to be locked in the basement next full moon."

My lower lip trembled. "I'm sorry, Jake. This is my fault. We're going on this stupid trip to find someone who could be literally anywhere."

"Don't cry. It's ok. Really, I don't care. I mean, one full moon out who knows how many? Why does that matter if we can solve some pack problems?"

"Key word," I said, whispering now so my voice didn't break. "'If.'"

Kyle cleared his throat and Dylan rubbed a hand behind his head, looking away. I looked up at them and smiled weakly. "Sorry guys, pack drama. We kinda ran away to get here."

Kyle shrugged. "So did he." He jerked a thumb at Dylan. "And I guess so did I, afterwards. Doesn't really matter. We'll be in trouble when we get home, oh well. Deal with it."

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