Chapter 1:

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I stepped outside of the bar and leaned against the wall under the light as I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. Taking a long drag I sighed and slid down the wall to sit. My feet were aching and I still had a while to go before my shift was over.

"Hey. Look what we have here guys. A real pretty one too." A guy said as he walked up with four buddies. I sighed and looked up as I took another drag and let the smoke out slowly.

"Can I help you?" I asked and focused on the burning cherry on my cigarette. The night was dark and cold, but I felt warm.

"We're lonely, babe. Why don't you come warm our beds." One said and came closer, reaching for me.

I smacked his hand away and stood up, my heels settling against the concrete. "No thanks. Maybe if you go down the street, you can go in the strip club and find someone to warm your beds." I said and dropped my cigarette, then stomped it out with my high heels before turning and trying to go inside. A hand landed on my arm and I spun and glared, effector making the man drop his arm. "Who in the fuck do you think you are? When a woman says no then back the fuck off. Now if you'll excuse me I have work to do."

I was shoved into the wall and a hard punch landed in my stomach, making me nearly double over and gag. But unfortunately I had nothing in my stomach. He chuckled and then I felt a kick to my ribs, making me cry out.

"Come on bitch. Just give up and let us take you to our place. I swear you will enjoy us." One of the men said as he grabbed by my hair and dragged me to my feet to look up at him. But I decided to kick him in the groin with my high heels and spit in his face. He crumpled and another man came up to me.

"You shouldn't have done that, slut." He said as he shoved me to the ground and the other two guys ganged up and kicked and grabbed other things to hit me with. I felt a metal pipe and a 2x4 at one point. My head felt fuzzy and I felt blood dripping from a cut above my eye. My arm felt funny and I knew my ankle was broken.

When I stopped moving they laughed and left. But not until I heard a gunshot. Then the laughing stop and a second and third gunshot rang out. My head spun as I struggled to get my phone out of my bra, which I managed to do but as I was trying to dial 911 my body gave out and I slipped into the warm darkness. If this was death, I was ready to die.

Randy's POV:

I pressed on the gas and listened to my second in command chat about some bar he wanted to check out. Saying there was a hot as fuck waitress that he's been trying to get with for months now. So we were heading there to check it out.

As I parked on the street I heard some kind of commotion in the back of the bar. I pulled out my gun and walked carefully along the side of the bar and peered my head around the corner and that's when I saw three men standing around a woman, beating her senseless. When she stopped moving they high fives each other and turned to walk away, not even seeing me.

With three shots I got them all in the head, and nodded my head to my second in command to deal with the bodies. I went to the woman and pressed my fingers to her throat. She was still alive, barely.

"Randy, they're dead." James said as he came up and saw the woman. He stepped on her phone, smashing it, and stared at her. "That's the woman's friend. They were really close."

"C'mon. We have to get her back to the house. She can't die." I said and gently picked up the woman, and she let out a soft moan in pain and her face scrunched up. But she still looked beautiful. Black hair with purple streaks and I just wished I knew what color her eyes were. Fuck, I sound like a chick.

"Why do you care about one girl? Yeah, she's fine, but she can be a lot of trouble. You don't know her randy." James said and I turned and glared at him.

"Do you want to be out on your ass James?" I snarled and his eyes widened as he ran for the car and opened the back doors for me to lay the woman on the seat. She was covered in blood and I saw a few spots where she would have broken bones. "Do you know her name?"

"Her name tag said Kylie every time I saw her." James said as I crawled in back with her and put her head on my lap, that's when I realized my white shirt was soaked through with her blood and was now a vibrant red.

"Kylie." I said, trying out her name and I liked the way it sounded on my tongue. Beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Her face scrunched up again and she let out a moan in pain as James got in the driver seat and gunned the car towards our safe house on the edge of town.

We had a renovated hotel, that now fit all our members plus a lot of extra rooms. I had the penthouse suite and that's where Kylie would be. She would have her room in my apartment. I'd have to send someone out to pick up clothes for her.

As James pulled up in front of the building and pulled into the secret underground garage I sighed and looked at the beautiful woman on my lap. I hope she survives.

James opened my door and I pulled Kylie more into my arms and carried her into the building, hitting the button for the top floor and entering my passcode. No one else knew it except the doctor. James got off on the 3rd floor where his room was to get the doctor and have him meet us in my room.

Once in the penthouse I carried Kylie to the spare bedroom and laid her on the bed, not caring if the sheets got ruined, I had tons more to replace them. Her moans of pain filled the room and I wished I could take her pain away. A bell ringing made me run to the living room and I was faced with Darren, the doctor. He rushed into the guest room and shut the door, giving me a look to stay out.

Why did I want this woman to stay alive when I could have any woman I wanted?

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