Chapter 19 - Wrapped In Your Arms

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Beth and Rio have a relaxing day to themselves.


The smell of breakfast food wafts throughout the small apartment, bacon, pancakes...

With this, Beth sits up in an empty bed, nothing around her except the heavy duvet and... Rio's pillows. She drops downwards and allows herself to fall back into them, staying in his bed as long as she can.

Laying comfortably in his sheets, the door handle clicks open and in comes Rio with a tray of food, "How you feelin' mama?" He makes his way to the bed and sits down next to her, placing the tray down in front of him.

Beth peaks her head up from the cotton pillowcase, giving him a small smile when she meets his dark eyes. Sitting up slowly, she rubs her own eyes and glances down towards the tray... and as she thought, there's bacon and pancakes, of course he'd made orange juice too.

"How cute..." Beth laughs as she reaches down to grab a blueberry that had been placed as an eye for a smiley face, "You make these for Marcus?"

Rio laughs as he grabs the other blueberry, bringing it to his mouth, "Nah... just you. So, what plans you got today?"

Sitting crisscross and placing her elbows onto her knees she meets his eyes, "Nothing... it's Monday, so... yeah nothing."

    Beth pops the blueberry she'd been holding in her hand into her mouth. Looking towards Rio, he's watching her intently, staring onto her face, at her ruffled hair, wrinkled clothing... but she still looks as beautiful as ever.

    "You ain't gonna have the kids for the week?" He watches as Beth readjusts on the mattress, pulling her legs from under herself, she lays down flatly onto the pillows.

    "Nope... I have the entire week to myself." She lets out a large sigh before Rio reaches down and grabs her hand. Letting him take it into his grasp, he pulls it up to his lips and leaves small kisses on her hand, laughing at the randomness, Beth asks, "What're you doing?"

    "Let's go somewhere." He smiles against her hand, lightly pulling to lead her up. Beth concedes with a groan and sits with her back against the headboard of the bed.

    She can't really bring herself to question him... not even to ask where. Instead, she nods her head and watches as Rio's face turns from anticipating to... almost excited.


Beth stands in the shower, letting the still cold water run over her abraded skin, she hears a small knock on the door, "It's open."

Rio walks in, his eyes down to his phone, almost as if there's and intimate boundary that he's doesn't want to cross just yet, "I bought tickets."

"To where?" Rinsing her hair, Beth keeps her eyes closed, not giving a damn as to if he's looking or not.

Rio moves to the counter and places his phone down, then he grabs the hem of his shirt, pulling it above his head. He then finishes taking off the rest of his clothing before opening the shower door, finally getting to fully see Elizabeth. Stepping in, he smiles at her face, somehow she'd always be surprised anytime he'd do something so domestic, so naturally.

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