Chapter 7 - Let it Snow!

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They have 2 more days at the lodge, planning to spend lots of time doing everything they can.


Walking out of the bathroom, Rio's waiting near the door to go take his shower. Beth had dressed right after hers, now looking over the sheets, they were clearly unable to be used. Luckily the blanket had been thrown off before anything happened, but they needed to request new sheets. She begins stripping the bed any coverings, and takes them out into the big laundry chutes. These were filled with discarded clothing, bedding, anything else that needed to be washed. Now heading towards the lobby from the elevator, it dings and opens to a receptionist greeting her with a warm smile.
"Hey hon, what's goin' on?" Her southern accent making her a little hard to understand.
"Um, this is kind of embarrassing, but our sheets got a little messed up. I was wondering if you had extras?" Beth fiddling with her thumbs as she asked.
The lady over the counter reaches down and pulls out a new set, "It's not that embarrassing babe, we've heard way worse." She turns to glance at the other receptionist taking a call who casually nods in agreement.
"Thank you so much!" Beth leaves with a warm smile. Taking the sheets back up the elevator, she chooses her floor and continues upwards.
Opening the door, she walks in to see Rio sleeping peacefully on the floor. Wow... he's really letting his guard down. She fits the sheets to the bed and contemplates waking him up. Having to decide, she walks over to where he is laying and nudges him.
"Hey... I got new sheets." She shoves his shoulder hoping it'll wake him, "Get up... come on."
He rolls over, staring directly into Beth's eyes, "Hey mama."
"I got new sheets for the bed." Beth now whispering, careful to keep him tired so he's able to continue sleep.
"Nah, we can use em tomorrow. Come here." He reaches to grab Beth's hips and bring them to straddle his own. Pulling her down into a sweet kiss before she sinks down on the side to lay next to him.


Waiting for Ruby and Annie, per usual, Beth and Rio are standing in the lobby near the elevator. The snow coming down outside, they move towards the entrance of the lodge to glance out of the glass doors. A big gust of wind sweeping through, the doors blow open, covering both of them and the floors in snow.
"Oh my gosh! It's so cold!" Beth scrambles to get away from doors. As she's running away, she feels something cold hit her back... Rio had made a snowball with the snow that blew in.
"Come on mama, show me what you got." As Rio starts he has to duck just as quickly. Beth sending a snowball barreling towards his head, "Nah ma, you gon' get it now."
They continue throwing the snowballs towards each other indoors, not causing much of a scene as everyone had been running around, children and adults alike. Beth runs towards Rio with a big ball of snow in her hands, ambushing him sending them both tumbling towards the ground. Breaking out into laughter, Beth's head is resting on Rio's stomach, glancing upwards to see Annie and Ruby looking down on them.
"Having fun there?" Ruby laughs as she takes a sip of her hot chocolate.
"I think it's a doggy pile!" Annie jumps towards Beth and Rio just to be met with a face full of snow, "Are you serious!" Annie recovers trying to laugh it off. Beth and Rio get to their feet.
"So what's going on here?" Ruby still looking at them both with a funny expression.
"Snowball fight?" Beth drops the big ball that she had planned for Rio, "I don't know, a big gust of wind brought all this snow in, so we utilized it." Looking over to see Rio nodding in agreement.
"Without me... shady." Annie shakes her head in disapproval.
"Anyways, me and Annie are going to head down to the sleds, we were wondering if y'all wanted to come with?" Ruby waiting for an answer.
"I wanted to try the spa, but I know that you guys never wanna go since we... you know?" Beth makes motions insinuate what they did.
"Yeah we get it sis, we'll go sledding, and you can head to the sauna... or spa. We just need to be back by 5:00 for dinner." Annie pretending to check her wrist for the time.
"Got it, have fun y'all." Rio waves them out the door. Turning to look at Beth, "You don't like sledding?"
"God no, my sled flipped on me when I was little. I got traumatized." Beth laughs out, "I'm never going sledding again, but if you wa-"
"Nah I'm good Elizabeth. If I wanted to sled, I'd make you sled with me." Rio assures, "Annie said they got a sauna?"
Beth nods holding Rio's hand as they begin their walk to the spa building. It's not that far, only a few doors down from the lodge entrance. The buildings and places were down a strip, so everything was easily accessible.
"They didn't hear us?" Rio continues facing forward as they walk.
"What?" Confused she turns to stare at him.
Still looking forwards, not breaking his strong physique, "Us, ma. What else you think?" He lets out a small laugh.
"Oh! Oh my god, stop!" Beth laughs out, "They definitely did... probably just decided to stay quiet. I'm sure Ruby had to bribe Annie not to say anything."
"Good," Rio says with a small smirk.


"Annie quit nagging me, I wasn't there! How am I supposed to know anything?" Ruby shakes Annie off of her arm.
"So you're telling me you heard noises, but nothing else...? You've gotta be kidding me!" Annie running to keep up with speed walking, "Was he hurting her? Is that what you heard?"
"Yeah, he was hurting her and I didn't go to intervene... Annie are you dumb?" Ruby still scolding, "Look I'm not gonna tell you exactly what I heard, but I heard stuff and I'd rather you not know. Okay?"
"Ruby...." Annie still pleading.
"I can't wait to push your ass down that hill." Ruby laughing as they continue their walk towards the sledding hill.
Continuing their walk, they see people treading around gathering groups of people, "There's going to be a snowstorm, everyone needs to be back in the lodge in 10 minutes!" A voice over a megaphone shouting for those in the area.
"Are you kidding me?" Ruby grabs Annie's arm, dragging her back towards the lodge.


"Hello, welcome to Boyne Falls spa, take a robe and head into a room, public rooms are $20.00 and private are $40.00. If you have an all acc-" They lady stops speaking as the connects her headset to the intercom.
"Hello ladies and gentlemen, we regret to inform you on such late notice, we are planning to be snowed in. A storm is beginning to form, as we are unaware of the current status, we would like everyone to remain where they are."
"Well that was unexpected. Please everyone remain calm! We have been prepared for this so please do not freak out!" The lady clicks the intercom and turns to look at Beth and Rio, "Do y'all still want that sauna."
"Actually we'll hold off for the moment, but we'll definitely get one later." Beth walks away from the counter phone in hand waiting for a call from Annie. Just as she's about to put in her pocket it starts ringing. Typical.
Surprisingly it's not Annie but Ruby, "Hey B, we made our way back to the lodge, are y'all safe."
"Yeah we're at the spa, we were about to get a sauna, but an intercom went off." Beth now sitting on a waiting bench, Rio sitting on his phone casually, paying no mind to the potential storm,"Oh how's Annie? She freaks out sometimes."
"She's freaking out alright, not for what you'd think though." Ruby stares at Annie who's spinning circles around the lobby, "Wanna know why?"
"Do I really?" Beth laughs out, "I'm kidding, go ahead."
"I heard y'all last night and Annie won't stop begging me to spill." Ruby awaits a response, only to not get anything, "Earth to B, you good?"
Beth blocking the speaker of her phone turns to Rio, "They know."
"Yeah, had a feeling." He tried to cover his smile by wiping his hand over his mouth.
Now raising the phone back to her ear, "Um... I think I need to save battery on my phone. It's almost dead and we'll probably need to call later. So bye!" Beth clicks the phone off before she can get a response from Ruby.
"C'mon mama, it's not that bad." He grabs her waist pulling her close, "What'd they expect to happen. It ain't new."
"Yeah I guess, it's just a little funny, they've never seen me like this. I don't know. I need to get my mind off of things." She pulls at a thread on her jeans to avoid staring at Rio, "Shit!"
"Hmm?" Rio actually seeming concerned.
"Should I call my kids? I haven't spoken to them in days." Beth clutching her phone deciding what to do.
"Nah, don't. Call em later." He shrugs it off, "Wanna get a sauna?" Rio grabs her arm leading her towards the counter, not actually looking for an answer, "One private room please."


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