{18} Surprise Date

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We just finished the very last rehearsal before our premiere. I'm so nervous but we've practiced a lot and that's kinda reassuring.

"Hey" Noah came and hugged me from the back.

I smiled and looked at him and he kissed me on the cheek.

"So about this date" he said when we were outside the theatre.

"Yes" I smiled.

"Here" he said and handed me a blindfod.

"What do you want me to do with that?" I asked confused.

"Well I have some thoughts but another time" he smirked and I blushed.

"Put it on your eyes" he said.

"What? No" I denied and tried to step back but he grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him.

"I'll put it on if you don't" he "threatened" me.

"Fine" I grabbed it and put it on covering my eyes in that way so I could see.

But of course he saw it and fixed it in a way that I couldn't even see a hint of light.

Sometimes he is so observing that I think he is a spy or something and that's why he knows all the cunning stuff. But my life is not some interesting action movie.

I grinned and he saw it. How does he do it?

"Where are we going?" I asked moving my hands in front like a blind.

"You'll see" he smirked and put me softly in the front seat of his car.

"We've been driving for more than an hour. Where are we going?" I cried like a baby.

"We'll be there in 10 minutes" he said and I could hear him smirking.

"Fine" I sighed in boredom.

"We're here" he said after 15 minutes.

"It was 15 minutes not 10" I said to annoy him.

He parked the car without answering to my comment but I could feel him smiling.

I'm starting to believe that with all those expressions I'm feeling, I might be Musa from The Fate The Winx Saga. I ignore that thought and get out of the car as he opens the door.

The sounds and smells helped me realise where we were. I guess not using my sight helps me have the other senses stronger.

He came close to me and I could smell his breath. His heartbeat was going so fast that made my heart beat fast too like our hearts were racing or something.

He slowly took off the blindfold and his eyes locked with mine.

He is like almost a whole feet taller than me and he was looking down and I was looking up and it was just the cutest thing.

"So you brought me to the beach?" I said not trying to show my excitement.

"Is that a bad thing?" he said sadly.

"Well the only bad thing is that I will get there before you and you will have to buy me ice cream" I smiled and started running towards the sea.

I could hear his footsteps behind me but I got there first.

"I guess you owe me an ice cream" I said trying to annoy him for losing.

He went to the sea splashing some water on me.

"That's unfair!" I yelled and splashed some water back at him.

"This means war!" he laughed and we kept splashing each other.


"Thanks for the ice cream" I said eating some with my spoon.

We were now walking across the sea.

"No problem. I lost" he said and I laughed.

"Are you sure you don't want the towel?" he said his mouth shaking from the cold.

"No you seem like you need it more than me. Besides. I'm not cold" I said to tease him.

"How are you not cold? You are literally soaking wet" he said in shock.

"Well I'm not" I smiled and we kept walking.

"I have another surprise" he got in front of me and stopped me from keeping on walking.

"Oh this day keeps getting better and better" I smiled and he handed me back the blindfold.

"And it just became worse" I said in a grumpy way.

"Come on. Put it on" he said putting it in front of my face and I scoffed.

"We'll walk" he said after I put on the blindfold.

"Fine. Just be careful for any obstacles" I said putting my hands in the front again.

"Of course" he said and I could feel his smirk.

"Watch out!" he said suddenly and I jumbed.

He started laughing.

"You're such a dickhead" I eyerolled and he kept laughing.


"We're here take it off" he said and I listened to him.

I took it off and the place was amazing.

"Even thought I'm not a fan, I remember you said you like dance. So I brought us to take a samba lesson" he smiled rubbing the back of his neck akwardly.

My eyes were filled in joy.

"Thank you so so much!" I hugged him smiling.

"Let's go" he said grabbing my hand excited.

"You're so bad at this do you know it?" I said laughing.

After half an hour of dancing he was getting good.

"You're getting the hang of it" I smiled and we kept dancing.

We kept dancing for more and then got back to the car.


"Here we are" he said opening the door.

"My dad is not home" I smirked.

"That's good news" he kissed me smiling and we entered the house.

We were now inside and his lips never lost touch with mine.

We went upstairs and opened my bedroom's door.

We sat on the bed and we were about to... you know, but his phone rang.

He jumbed and went to see who was calling.

At the sight of the call his face instantly became nervous.

"I need to go" he stuttered and left my there hanging.

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