{21} Premiere

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"Okay guys gather around" Dona shouted.

"Wow Dona looking good" I gave her a warming smiled and she responded the same way.

"Okay so we rehearsed enough for this. You got this. Don't be nervous, you'll rock up there" she said her heart beating really fast.

"Hey hey relax. We're not nervous, you are and you need to relax" I smiled warmly at her.

She sighed deeply and smiled at me.

"Okay guys, good luck. Not that you'll need it" she smiled and we all got backstage.

Minutes after all of the seats were starting to fill. Suddenly at the sight of the people there my heart started beating so fast. I was so anxious all of a sudden, but then I saw my mom and dad entering and I calmed down.

"Guys gather around" Dona whispered.

"Go out there and rock this thing" she gave us a supportive smile.

She went out to give the introductory speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you all for joining us in this beautiful night. All the people here worked so hard to produce a wonderful play. I promise you you won't be disappointed. I would ask you to turn off your phones. Enjoy this nice night" she smiled and they clapped.

The play flowed nicely and it was the last scene with me and Noah.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were part of the mafia? What do you want from me?" I cried and grabbed my hand which he was holding.

"I couldn't tell you I'm part of the mafia, that wouldn't end well and you know that" he said sadly.

"So you decided to lie to me? Lie that you actually liked me?" I said still crying.

"I didn't lie about my feelings" he lowered his head.

"I love you" he said and he came to kiss me as the lights were starting to get lower and lower.

At the very end of the scene I hugged him tight just before the lights were completely off.

Everyone started clapping and cheering. It sure was one of a premiere.

Everyone then gathered back on stage as the lights were now on.

We all took a bow and the clappings never stopped.

Noah then took behind his back a whole bouquet of white roses that had two cards in it.

"What's that?" I smiled.

I took off the cards and they were two tickets for an art gallery.

"Thank you" I hugged him and it was then I realised that everyone was watching us smiling.

I akwardly left his hug and smiled blushing.

After we all got off of stage Dona called to go talk to her and some dudes.

"Hello" I said warmingly.

"Olivia these are the two producers who are thinking about making our play a movie" she said.

"Nice to meet you" I shook my hand with theirs.

"The pleasure is ours Miss Shanders. So we were talking about summer. Is that good to start filming?" he asked which made both me and Dona open our mouths widely.

"Of course that's amazing thank you so much. I'm sorry but I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow" I said looking towards Dona and smiled at the producers.

"Dad hi" I said hugging him.

"Congratulations baby you were amazing out there" he said kissing my head.

"So about this third person" I said calmly.

"Yeah where is Noah?" he cut me off.

"It's not Noah" I said and mom came slowly in front.

"Hi John" she smiled and both of them got in tears.

"Mary?" he said his voice cracking.

They hugged each other tight tears running all over their cheeks.

"How did you?" he said the confusion in his eyes.

"Let's go for dinner and we'll talk about everything then. I'm starving" I said touching my stomach and we left.

The night was amazing. We laughed a lot and my parents talked about everything.

My phone rang.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey are you busy, do you wanna go for a walk?" Noah asked serious from the other line.

"Yeah sure meet me at the park in 5" I said and hung up.

"I'll go for a walk" I said but even though they heard me they were too busy to answer.

"Hey what's up. You sounded serious" I said hugging him.

"Yeah there is something I need to tell you" he said but my phone cut him off.

"I'm really sorry I need to take this one sec" I said and went some steps away to talk to the phone.

After a couple of minutes I returned.

"So what did you want to tell me?" I smiled.

"Uh nothing too important, just I don't think I'll be in the movie" he smiled putting his hand on my shoulders and we walked.

"Oh it's fine I just wish you could be" I smiled and we kept walking.

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