You Really Need to Stop Look For Him

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(We just going to make up schools cool? Cool)

Steve POV

So I'll try to find Annabeth, Tony will look for Percy, Scott is looking for Hazel, Nico and Frank, Nat is going to Oklahoma for Piper, and Vision is at the tower looking for Leo.

I had a look at her schedule and saw that until 5 she had an internship at an architect firm. I make my way over there and went up to the secretary.

"Hi, welcome to Lewis and Clark architect firm. How can I help you?" She said.

"Hi. I'm here to talk to an Annabeth Chase, she is an intern here correct?"

"Yes, I'll call here down."

I wait for a few minutes until a blonde girl comes out.

She wore ripped jeans and a grey shirt. Her hair was in a bun and she had a very annoyed face. She turns to the receptionist and smiles, "Hi, Bethany."

"Hi. There's a man in the wait room for you," the secretary replied with a smile.

Annabeth walked over to me.

"Can I help you sir?" She asked nicely.

"Um yeah, May name is Steve Rodgers and I'm looking for Percy Jackson and- ." and I didn't even get to finished my freaking statement before she started back walking out of the conversation.

"Your with that iron man and that blue and red spandex wear superhero?"

"Yeah, his name is SpiderMan and we need your help."

"Yeah, can't help you there."


"Because our kind likes to stick together. And friendly word of advice, you need to stop looking for us if you don't want to get hurt."

"What do you mean your kind?"

"I have to go, have a good day sir."

And she walks away. What the, and excuse my french, flipping hell. She just left, and I didn't even follow her because I was to busy comprehending what she just said about her kind and to stay alive stop looking for us.

I get back to the tower and wait. What else can I do.

-this is bob, he is a time skip-

It has been a whole day and here's your recap.

Scott also most got Nico but Hazel and some random dog named Frank stopped him.

Tony couldn't find Percy. He hasn't shown up to school or anything.

Nat couldn't find Piper, which I found hilarious but don't tell her.

And Vision said that Leo was still AWOL.

"What are we going to do? We can't find any of them," Scott said on video chat.

"Maybe we should just give up," Peter said, "It's obvious that he's hiding. And he turns 18 this summer, maybe he needs to be left alone."

"No, we need to find him, he's a danger to himself and others," Tony shot back.

"Actually," a royal voice said, "he is only a danger to monsters that attack, and the Greek god of war."

Thor had shown up.

"Oh hi, could you possibly tell us why he dangerous to these monsters and the Greek god of war?"

"I guess for your protection I will. Sit down and let me tell you a story.

A story about the Son of Poseidon.


So, where have I been?

School, that's where I have been. I'm actually in science finishing this chapter learning about space.

I've been trying to get in a program for school and I was busy.

Oh and writers block is a female dog.

So yeah. But here's a chapter. See ya later


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