The sudden suprise (4)

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Warning : Swearing
DreamXD was shocked at the sudden arrival of their enemies , he had to warm Dream, Techno and Phil that was really inportant , when the sun fully rised and everyone was awake, well not Phil , DreamXD quickly ran to Techno and Dream to warm them about how close their enemies were ,( in my AU DreamXD dosent talk Lets spice things up) DreamXD quickly wrote a small note and handed it to Techno , the note said „Their here".
- Whos here? - Techno asked confused , anyone could be here theres a lot of people on the SMP
DreamXD handed another note to Techno that said „the guards , almost the whole SMP , they know im with you, they dont know its me tho" Techno was shocked , they were in danger .
-uh.. did they notice anything about our mountain? - Techno asked again, worried
DreamXD handed him another note „i beleave not, where is Phil and Dream?"
-Phil is sleeping , i dont know where is Dream tho - Techno said realizing the masked one was gone - should we look for him?
DreamXD noded as Yes , they began searching but didnt find the blonde male , it took them quite a long time, snice Phil has woken up.
-Look who has finally decided to wake up - Techno said sarcasticly- have you seen Dream anywhere?
- Yes good morning and no i didnt, isnt he here somewhere? - Phil answered
DreamXD handed him a note „ no we searched everywhere and could not find him, i dont know where he went".
- hey guys - the masked blonde said , standing behind Phil
-AAAAAAAAAAAAH - Phil screamed , not expecting Dream to be behind him.
The whole group started laughing, Dream ofcourse with his tea kettle laugh
-how are your lungs still alive? - Techno asked (i think the same sometimes ngl)
- i dont know - Dream said
- but anyway , where were you? - Phil asked , still shocked at the sudden „jumpscare"
-in the librarry - Dream said
- we have a fucking librarry?! - Phil asked
- well, Yeah i just found it now a long time ago- said the masked Man
-hold up hold up hold up - Techno said - what do you mean you found it? Wasnt the whole mountain built by us?
- i do beleave so Yeah it was- Dream responded- but it was just there
- Wierd... was it free to entry or did you have to mine to get to it? - Techno asked
- free to entry, i was confused at first but it looks pretty normal
- a librarry... maybe the stronghold!?
DreamXD handed him a note „ you have been to the stronghold , you know its not here"
-maybe its the second stronghold tho? - Phil said again
DreamXD handed him a note „i doupt it"
-why cant  you talk? - Techno asked
DreamXD handed him a note saying „Oh i can talk, i just dont really want to"
DreamXD didnt like talking , he usuwały stayed quiet and passed out notes to the correct people , the only person he talked to was Dream , Dream helled him control  his wings (Ooo DreamXD with wings yeeees) and also helped him protec the stronghold , Dream is like a brother to DreamXD couse they both knew...
They are alone
Noone talked to DreamXD other then Phil , Techno and Dream , well Phil and Techno only couse they once męt him in the stronghold , and they are on this awenture together anyway, Dream ... nobody really liked him anymore , becouse of how a „monster" he is , Dream knew, and didnt really regret his actions , he was kind of a side character on his own server, Tommy was just outshining him , so he showed what was he caple of , including escaping the prison (before anyone attacks me i dont think that)with a little Help from DreamXD , DreamXD is basically a god , he cant die, he can grab whatever item he wants, but only for himself, he protects the stronghold , shortly he holds a lot of power everyone could just „Dream" of , you get it? Dream himself still holds a lot of power, even tho others dont know that, most of them dont even know about DreamXD's existance , like i said before , he has not talked to anyone on the SMP other then the people he is with right now , and noone talked to him , after DreamXD finished his small thoughts , Phil asked a certain question
„Can you tell us why?"
||Yoo 4th chapter out! Im so sorry for the shitty chapter and a short one, its just so random and i also want to Thank you all for almost 1OO VIEWS! that means a lot 1OO views in such a little time! You all are crazy ! But in a good way Lol but anyway i will try to do angst in the next chapter so be ready >:D but anyway Thank you again! See you on the next chapter ! ||

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