11 | A surprise visit

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A/N: this is the last chapter of part one before we go into the plot of city of bones!

1 month later

Emma had had no contact with anyone from New York since she had left. Not even Luke had called her to check up.

Her hair had grown a little since Andy had cut it, but the black still remained in tact. She changed her style to blend in more with the Londoners. Andy had gotten her into more flowery clothes when out and about, giving her a more girlish appearance.

Emma was sat reading in her room with her hair in a French braid that barely managed to finish. She was reading 'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Lee, a book that Andy had given her. It was slowly starting to become a new favourite of hers.

A knock at the door broke Emma out of her daze. Andy was out working so Emma was in the apartment by herself.

She left her book upside down on her bed and threw a denim jacket on over her shirt. Although it was only September, the autumnal chill was settling in and the apartment's heating was currently not working.

 Emma thought that behind the door would be some salesman who came into the apartment building to promote retirement homes - they've had that a few times

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Emma thought that behind the door would be some salesman who came into the apartment building to promote retirement homes - they've had that a few times. Little did she know that it would be a surprise that she didn't know that she desperately wanted.

"Hey, Emmie." A familiar voice said.

"Jace." She mumbled as she looked at the boy in front of her.

In his hands, was a bunch of pink flowers that coincidentally matched her shirt. A small smile was on his face and he was dressed in a dark blue shirt with skinny jeans. It was not his normal style but to blend in with Londoners, it was the best he could wear. What Emma would not tell him, was that he looked amazing in it.

"You're here..." She could not believe that Jace was standing there in front of her.

"I shouldn't have let you go." He responded.

Taking him by surprise, she jumped towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her head into his shoulder. He quickly put the flowers on the table by the front door and placed his arms around her waist. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes, taking in each other's presence and neither one wanting to be the first to let go.

"The moment I got your texts, I ran to try and figure out what happened. Luke refused to tell me anything, same with Alec and Izzy. They all seemed to want me to leave you alone." He paused to take a deep breath. "But that isn't possible. I can't seem to stay away from you, not matter how dangerous it is." His hands slipped from her waist to hold her face in his hands.

"I-I don't know what to say." She whispered as her eyes locked with his.

"You don't have to say anything." He leaned down and rested his forehead against hers.

That's when time stopped.

He leant down and their lips finally connected. He kissed her gently, a hand moved to the back of her neck. She momentarily melted into him before he pulled away.

He looked to her face, trying to find signals of upset, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. A small chuckle escaped her mouth as she nervously fiddled with her hands behind his neck.

"Can I do that again?" He asked her, rubbing his thumb along her cheek.

Instead of responding, she just kissed him again and this time, he pulled her against him. To Emma, it felt like the world was spinning around her as she kissed Jace like her life was dependent on it.

"I've been waiting long enough for you to do that." She laughed as he let go of her and grabbed the flowers again.

"I do believe we should start over." Jace told her with a grin on his face.

"Why, yes. I believe we should, Wayland." Emma took a step back mockingly which earned a chuckle from Jace.

"Hello, Miss Emmeline. My name is Jace Wayland. I come from a land in America called New York and I would like to take you back there with me. Here is a bunch of flowers to show to you my love." He said all of this to her with a cheesy grin on his face.

"Well, Mr Wayland. It is an honour to be courted by you." Emma joked and accepted the flowers into her arms. "You know, this won't be an easy ride?"

"Oh I'm counting on it." He kisased her cheek.

They both went into the apartment and sat down on the sofa. She leant against him, her head against his chest. They just lay there in silence, neither wanting to address the inevitable.

"I can't go back to New York though, Jace. Not yet." Emma finally said.

"Why's that?" He sat up slightly.

"Dad just said that people are after me there. It's too dangerous. I have to stay in London."

"I don't want to leave you here."

"We don't have any choice." She smiled sadly.

"I will visit as much as I can." He promised. "I will sneak out of the Institute and find a way to get here even more."

"Are you being serious?" Her eyes lit up.

"Of course Emmie." He beamed. He ran his gaze all over her, fondly smiling at her new look. "I like the hair. It suits you." Emma burst out laughing in response and brought him into a hug.

They were good, they were okay. It should all be fine.

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