Tiger and Monk

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Hugreon, Pavonis, and Teleria were three star systems separated by millions of light-years. They served as the three capitals of the Thearchy: the House of Man, the House of Gods, and the throne supreme. Each was heavily trafficked, their economies were pillars that supported the Thearchy. To say they were heavily guarded is laughably understated. Millions spent their entire careers in orbit aboard some of the finest military flagships patrolling these star systems.

Until one day, wormholes took it all away. Every warship, automated payload delivery system, Lagrange point watchtower, even some communication satellites; all swallowed away, leaving them defenseless. In the space of five seconds, there wasn't a single piece of military hardware in orbit around any of the capital systems. In one hour, chaos began to spread through the galaxy, through mankind's galactic data web, the fardreamsphere.

Suddenly, prescient dreamers all over the Thearchy began to dream of nothing but the end of the Thearchy. They could see no way around it, nor could they see beyond it. They were effectively blinded.

Mankind's galactic society, which has depended on prescience for over two hundred years, was now left without.

On the worlds of Hugreon, Pavonis, and Teleria, billions of people began watching the skies fearful of wormholes appearing and dropping nuclear bombs.


Leo snapped awake in the middle of the night and clutched his leather bag close to his chest. He'd been dreaming of the Tiger again. He had a hard time keeping track of how long it had been since his escape from Fabian; every moment since then has been terror and panic.

Only a few weeks ago he was scurrying through his simple life, no worries to his dreams. Now, he was crouched up in a dirty wet ball on the street praying to be mistaken for a pile of garbage should he be seen. He used to be a creature of comforts; granted, simple ones, but now he was...what? Antagonizing a dangerous fugitive because he was heartbroken? Getting caught up in some galactic revolution?

It seemed revolution was on its way, whatever he did. From the shadows, he watched roving gangs patrol the streets, looking for some symbol to tear apart, something that represented the God Empress or the Thearchy; any badge would do. The seething despair the ignobles felt finally boiled over and suddenly, belonging to one of the Houses didn't seem so desirable anymore.

This has happened before. The starving will eat the wealthy.

Nini was full of such information. Leo tried not to think about it because his thoughts were no longer private.

Instead, he used his dreamsphere to activate the tracking device he planted in Fabian's arcblade. As expected, he found him heading for the royal city center.

"You need to tell me Fabian's plan!"

Do I, little lion cub?

"People are going to get hurt..."

And you forged him such a fine weapon to use!

Leo grew silent. He furtively glanced around the corners and waited for a moment he could move unseen. "I did what I had to do," he whispered. "It may not have been the only way or even the best way, but it was my way. I survived and there's a chance I can stop him, but you have to help me!"


"How does this feel?" Tiny asked. He knelt in front of Judith, who sat on the ground. He held her foot and was testing her range of motion.

"Like you're moving my foot around. Honestly, I'm barely showing, I don't need this."

"Still," he said, "You shouldn't be running around like this." They both glanced at Fabian who sat on the bench, whispering to his weapon.

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