Chapter 1- In the dark

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Everyone has fears, it's human nature. Some fear things like public speaking or financial instability. Others fear spiders or sharks, but I fear the darkness.

In the darkness seconds feel like minutes, minutes feel like hours and hours feel like days...

There is no escaping it. As much as I try, I can't escape it. I try to open my eyes and end this torture, but I can't.

And the worst part? My thoughts. I can't quit thinking. I'm driving myself crazy because my mind won't shut up. I'm slowly driving myself insane...

Why me? I'm a good kid. In all of my 16 years, I've never done anything worth this. The worst thing I've ever done is pretend to be sick once, but hasn't everyone done that?

I would always secretly get annoyed with my sister staying up late playing the piano, but right now I would do anything to hear it. Hear the same song she always played, but all I hear is the darkness.

The darkness is suffocating me, little by little making it harder and harder to keep going. Bit by bit I feel myself slowly drifting farther and farther into it and I'm absolutely terrified, but part of me loves it.

Maybe if I just let the darkness carry me away then I can escape this constant feeling of loneliness. Maybe I'll be free...

These are the thoughts constantly conjuring in my head. It's all I ever really think about, it's all I want to think about.

"HE JUST MOVED!" An unfamiliar voice shouts.

It's distant, but I heard it. Is there someone else here too? Maybe they have answers.

The darkness is tempting me now more than ever. The urge to go into it is getting harder and harder to resist.

"I just saw him lift his hand!! Someone get a doctor!" Another voice says sounding much closer than the first one.

The darkness is calling my name...I can't ignore it any more I have to go. I have to let it take me.

"Calum, baby please wake up. I can't go any longer without you. I need you Cal. Please." I hear.

Now I'm starting to question the darkness, is this a trick to get me to fall into it's trap?

The voices are telling me to 'wake up', but I'm not sleeping. Sleep is filled with beautiful dreams of happiness and joy, not with black torture.

Then again these voices are the first things I've heard in God only knows how long...I can't resist.

Darkness take me...I'm ready!

Nothing happens...

Pain runs through my body. I feel as though I've been ran over by a truck. I never knew that one could feel this much pain and still be alive. Am I dead?

"WHY IS HE SHAKING SOMEONE GET A DOCTOR RIGHT NOW?!" I hear a masculine voice yell.

I try to control my body, but I know this is just a game the darkness used to make me suffer more than before...

You win.

Then out of no where the pain stopped, as did the shaking. I felt free. The darkness seemed much lighter and I felt as though I could breathe.

I took a deep breath hoping to regain some energy from whatever just happened, but then my eyes opened.

And I was surrounded by light....

Amnesia (Calum Hood)Where stories live. Discover now