chapter one

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     The Room of Requirement had revealed itself to the young couple in the early days of their relationship. It certainly had a turbulent start but when they found that room, it made everything so much easier. No curious stares or wandering eyes checking either of them out. It was just the two of them, lying together, dancing together and talking together. It was blissful and James loved it. He loved her. A fact that had dawned on him after two weeks of being around her. Of knowing her. It was love and it was consuming. It was scary.

     Odeya felt exactly the same. It was impossible not to love James despite what she pretended. She was in complete and utter foolish love with him. His adorable smile, his soft curly hair, his arms that made her so safe. His stupid jokes and the complete obliviousness he had. It was the best thing in the world and Odeya never felt better than when she was with James Fleamont Potter. He was the love of her life, she was sure of it. She was sure she'd be with him forever.

     "You're late," James teased, elongating the 'e' as he watched her walk in. Odeya rolled her eyes and kicked the door shut behind her. She had a box hidden behind her back as she walked over to the boy. He was already sprawled out on the pillows, a pout on his face as he watched her walk. His gaze flicking to her hands that were hidden and despite his attempts to take a peek, Odeya perfectly dodged it.

     "Just wait," Odeya rolled her eyes and then she knelt down in front of him. She pulled the box in front of her and placed it in front of her. She opened it to reveal four cupcakes all messily iced with pink. James grinned wider at the reveal and looked up at her, seeking an explanation, "Well, it's Valentine's Day so I wanted to make you cakes. Well, the house elves made the cupcakes and I iced them. They were not pleased with my efforts but I tried," Odeya said sheepishly. The pink spreading across her cheeks as she let her hands settle on her lap. She just hoped that he liked them. It worried her that he hadn't said anything.

     "Well, I think they look adorable but I can't rate them until I've had a taste," He said matter of factly. His overly serious tone made her giggle and she rolled her eyes. She then flopped next to him on the mountain of pillows and grabbed the box. She placed it between them and took a cupcake for herself. James took another and pulled the paper down. He then took a bite, the icing getting all over his nose as he did so.

     Odeya grinned wider at that and then leant forward, using her thumb to wipe up the icing. He sucked it off her thumb and she chuckled softly, waiting for his review. Her hand resting against her chin as she watched him. He was clearly mulling over what he was going to say, humming in thought before he nodded, smiling.

     "Perfect, just like you," He grinned as he looked at her. Odeya chuckled and felt the heat in her cheeks. She was surely a tomato by now and James just grinned wider. He then nudged the cake towards her lips and Odeya took a bite out of it. The strawberry icing was perfect and with the vanilla cupcakes, the combination was immaculate. She grinned from ear-to-ear as she took another bite. James followed suit and the two sat in silence as they devoured the cupcakes.

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