chapter two

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( THE FALL.. )

     The biting Scottish air nipped at Odeya's skin as she faced her boyfriend. Anger contorting her features as she stared at him. Her eyes were glassy as she let him speak. Try to dig himself out of the hole he had pushed himself into. But his words were white-noise to Odeya, her hurt was overwhelming and there was nothing he could say to make it any better for her. No sweet words or promises would stop how much everything hurt.

     "You kissed her." Odeya said, interrupting his explanation. She didn't care to listen to it anymore, a tear falling down her cheek at the words. James started at her, his own eyes watery as he reached out to take her hand. She pulled away faster than James had expected. He couldn't even react as Odeya stepped back. Her voice quivered, "Please don't try and make excuses, James. This is already hurts," Odeya said. James stepped closer to her again and Odeya had to stop herself from breaking down in front of him. She'd go back to him if she did. She couldn't go back to him.

     He had kissed her but he'd promised he didn't care for her anymore. Odeya didn't know if he was lying or cheating, she didn't know what was happening but she knew she didn't need this. It was Easter, they were supposed to be having a good time but Odeya had found out during a visit. It was an accident, words that slipped from Sirius' lips by accident.

     "I'm not making excuses, Deya, please. Yes, I kissed her but I couldn't. We were playing a game and you weren't there and I didn't know how to get out of it. She had kissed me before I even said no. Deya, plea-" He attempted but was cut off by her harsh words.

     "Don't call me that anymore! That was the name my sweet and caring boyfriend would call me. That boy would not do this. Leave me alone. Don't talk to me. We're done, okay? We're... we're done," Odeya said. Her words tried to hold conviction but all it felt like was heartbreak. Her heart shattering as she stared at his face. The tears falling down his cheeks as his lip quivered. He opened his mouth to speak but his words fell silent. He just watched her and Odeya brushed her own tears away.

     "I'm sorry," James said and Odeya shrugged. She pushed her fingers through her hair and let out a soft shaky breathe.

     "It's not good enough," She muttered and then she grabbed her wand from her pocket. She muttered the spell and she felt the pull from her navel. The white light surrounded her before she landed with a snap. The warm air was quick to engulf her. Her goosebumps being replaced with shivers of pleasure. She preferred living down here, she didn't know why she ever went to see James. It was stupid.

     Her body leant back against the barrier of the bridge she had landed on. It was a ten minute walk from her home and she knew she needed to get back. Her parents would worry if she wasn't home soon but she couldn't go home crying. James was not worth the tears. Not anymore.

     He wasn't worth it and Odeya turned around. She let her stomach rest against the barrier of the bridge, leaning forward. Her gaze fell onto the river rushing underneath. The water droplets flying into the air as it hit the rocks at a rapid pace. Her eyes watched as the water moved. It was quick, escaping down beneath the bridge. Hidden out of sight of the moonlight.

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