chapter three

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( THE END.. )

     The Room of Requirement was so quiet and empty without the life she brought to it. The pillows weren't as comfortable, the lights weren't as bright. The world wasn't as vibrant now that James had lost her but he still had parts of her. Well, a part of her. Her cardigan. She had left it in his room and was holding it close to his face.

     Sobs filling the room as he curled up on the pillows. He wished she was still there but she wasn't. She was gone and he hated it. Hated that she was gone. His knuckles were white as he gripped it tightly. More sobs escaping as the tears fell down his cheeks. He had never cried this much in his entire life. He didn't know how to deal with the emotions.

     All he could do was cry and try and understand what was happening. The emotions had been like a tsunami and not even a week of lying in the Room of Requirement had made James understand them any clearer. He barely left the room. He just sat there, holding her cardigan and staring at the ceiling. Sometimes he cried, sometimes he listened to her favourite record, sometimes he talked to her as if she was still with him.

     But it was getting ridiculous, his friends had been covering for him the best they could. It was getting harder so Remus decided to try and speak to James. He entered the Room and when he found James crying, he didn't know what to do. He closed the door and stepped towards the boy. He didn't even seem to notice that Remus had appeared.

     So he was cautious and he sat down next to James. His movements were slow and gentle as he pulled James into a hug. James looked up, almost just for a second thinking that it was her but it wasn't. It was Remus and it made James realise how pathetic he was being. Crying over a girl. So heavily, so much. It was stupid really.

     "Come on, Prongs. You need to get out of here," Remus said softly. His hand moved to rest cautiously against James'. James shook his head and pulled his hands into his chest. Burying his face in the knit of the cardigan once again. He wasn't going to leave, not until he understand himself. He could leave then and only then.

     "Please, Prongs. We're worried about you. Padfoot is barely eating, he's biting his nails again. It's driving me crazy. Just come back to the dorm. We miss you," Remus asked, his hands resting in his lap. He didn't know how to deal with situations like this. James looked up at Remus and wiped his tears from his cheeks as he pushed himself to sit up a little.

     "I can't leave her... here," James muttered, quick to correct himself. Remus looked at his best friend and sighed. He knew James would take it hard. He loved Odeya more than he had loved anybody. Lily had kissed him without even asking and now it was his downfall. That's why James said nothing, he didn't want this to happen.

     "You can leave, Prongs. It'll be here when you come back. Just come and eat with us. We want to talk to you, mate. We want to help you," Remus said as he looked up at James' face. The tears had stained his red puffy cheeks and he hated that he couldn't do more than just say things. He couldn't bring Odeya back to him. He couldn't do anything for them.

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