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My step mom was telling at me once again. You see, my dad passed away and my step mom has been taking care- well not actually. Where's my biological mom you ask? Oh, I've never met her. Andrea, my step mom was cursing at me and pulling my hair while i just stay there feeling hopeless. She finally shutup and gave me her clothes and asked me to do laundry. I did all the chores and after 5 hours, i took a shower and put on my really old clothes. It was 3.30pm. oh no, she's gonna hit me. She screamed from the kitchen saying "WHY ARENT THE DISHES CLEAN ENOUGH?!" I was just waiting for her to hit me. She came in, and yes. She hit me. But on my face this time. She left and I sighed. I fell asleep at 5pm.
The next day, I woke up to go get ready for school. I was the nerd loser in the school. I mean, without a phone and nothing to entertain yourself with. Might as well learn things. I walked to school that morning since it wasn't that far from my house I entered the school and oh boy the skater boys were all looking at me. I put my hood up since my face was slightly purple from the hit from a belt yesterday. I got to my locker and got my shit. Then, someone slammed my locker door. I looked down knowing it was Vinnie, the boy who had bullied me since middle school
Vin: Hey look, it's smelly y/ny
They laughed and people were surrounding me.
Jackson: Look she can't even do anything
This is Jackson. Handsom guy but really rude
Kio: Loser
This is Kio, he doesn't know I'm his sister. I have his last name. But I just used my middle name so no one would know. They laughed. I was used to this. I got to my class passing all of them and just tried to ignore them.
-after school-
I walked back home. But this time I was late for 5 minutes because I helped the teachers organize books. I ran home and knocked on the door. My step mom opened it and pushed me down. She kept her voice down though knowing the road wasn't soundproof
Andrea: How dare you be 5 minutes late
I stood up and walked backwords. She slapped my face and punched me in my stomach. I fell to the ground knowing the neighbors weren't home. She kicked me in my stomach one last time until I heard someone yell
?: Hey stop!
I recognize it was Vinnie
Andre: Who is going to save this slut! She's dying anyways like her father!
I tried to speak but couldn't. I coughed out blood. I heard footsteps around me.
Vin: Hey, hold on okay?
I heard him dail 911 and I blacked out
Vinnie's pov
I followed Y/N back home just to see where she lives. She's actually been acting strange. I've had a huge rush on her actually but I bully her just to get on her nerves. Yes, I know it's bad but hey. I am a clarified fuck skater boy in my school. I decided to keep my distance and saw she got pushed down by her mom. That was weird. She punched and slapped her. Oh no. She kicked her and I had enough
-skip to when you were on the ground-
Me: Hey, hold on okay?
Blood was flowing out of her mouth. I failed 911
Me: Hey, my friend just got abused by her mom and she's coughing out blood.
911: What's her address?
Me: (your add)
911: Okay I just sent an ambulance to that location.
Me: Thank you
911: Can you help me feel her pulse
I felt it and she was weak. I started to panic
Me: I'm- um- it's weak!
911: I need you to do CPR for me okay?
Me: O- okay
(I forgot how CPR works so just bare with me)
911: press her chest and follow me. 1, 2, 3, 4. And check her breath.
Me: She's still weak
911: I need you to do mouth to mouth okay?
Me: O- okay
I did mouth to mouth and pressed on her chest a couple of times until she coughed out more blood. Then, the ambulance came. I hug up the phone
Para: Sir, we've got it
Me: O- O- O- okay
I let them do their job. Then the cops came and arrested her mom. I followed them to the hospital with my car. They got her to the er. I sat in the waiting room. I was worried actually. I was lightly tapping my shoe when I heard Kio's voice
Kio: Yo Vin, you good?
I looked up in tears
Me: Kinda
Kio: Someone contacted me and said that I had a sister here
Me: Cool
Then, the doctor came.
Doc: Y/n González Cyr?
I stood up
Me: Here
Doc: and you are?
Me: Her friend, I found her
Doc: She had an emergency contact number named Kio Cyr
Kio: I'm- I'm here
He stood up.
Doc: Okay boys
We went Infront of her room.
Doc: So she has cuts and bruises all over her body she also has a fractured rib bone and a fractured foot. She has to use crutches for the next month and if she does well, she could heal in 2 weeks. She lost blood from the cuts and she has a really small stomach since she doesn't eat that much.
My heart dropped and I could see that Kio's soul left his body.
Doc: She's asleep right now so you guys could go in
Me: Thanks doc
Kio: Yeah, thanks
He nodded and left. We went inside
Kio: What happened?
Me: She got punched and slapped in the face and got kicked in the stomach. That's the only thing I saw
Kio: Why did I not know she was my sister? She looked so much like me. I guess I'm just too dumb to notice
Me: Yo Bro, if I'm going to be complete honest with you. I have a crush on her for a long time and the bullying was just go cover it all up
Kio: Go for it man but don't go too fast. You've bullied her and I don't think she'll like you that fast
Me: You too bro
We were in frustration
Kio: We're fucked dude
Me: We are
Kio: This is so stupid why didn't I know? If I knew I could have just brought her in with open arms but no, I had to fucking bully her and this is the way that I found out? This is so fucked. I feel bad bro
Me: Me too
We saw that she was moving. She opened her eyes. She clichéd looking at us
Me: Hey, it's okay, we're not going to hurt you
Kio: Yeah
Y/n: You're not?
Kio: Yeah we aren't anymore
Y/n: What are you guys doing here?
She said with her hands shaking and her heartbeat goes a little faster
Me: Hey hey, calm down. Kio is in your emergency contacts and I found you
Y/n: But why?
Y/n's pov
Me: But why?
Why did he bring me here?
Me: I thought you wanted me dead
Vin: No, no we don't want anyone dead
Kio: Hey, we're sorry for everything okay? From the bottom of our hearts.
Do I trust them? Should I trust them? I stayed silent
Kio: We really mean it. We heard what happened and we feel bad for it.
Vin: Yeah, we really do
Kio: Can you give us a chance to restart everything about us? Pretend nothing ever happened?
I didn't have anywhere to live and I really needed help so I gave in
Me: Okay
They looked happy. We talked for hours and hours and we got along quickly. They both insisted to sleep on the couch until I got discharged and to hold off school. Of course they told their parents and Kio's or should I say my biological mom came in the room.
Mom: Oh my gosh, is that really you Y/n?
Me: y- Yes
We talked for a fee minutes and she left. I ate my ass dinner and while I was having a conversation with Vinnie, I accidentally fell asleep.
-the next day-
I got discharged from the hospital in crutches I packed my things and moved in with Kio.
Kio: Your closet is straight ass
Me: You don't really have to saw anything when you got to live with fucking Andrea
Kio: You don't say
Kio helped me out and moved into his house. Mochi, his dog was barking at me
Kio: No, she's not an enemy
(Pretend Kio lives with his mom)
Mochi sat down. They were really welcoming. They gave me phone and I tell you I was on cloud nine. I basically hugged them and almost broke my other leg. Kio helped me set it up and I thanked him. He left me alone and I texted Vinnie since his number is in there.
Me: Hey Vin it's Y/n
Vin: Hey. What are you doing?
Me: Nothing, just chilling
Vin: Go to sleep, we have school tomorrow
Me: Okay
I set my phone down and fell asleep.
-the next day-
I got up and for ready. I put on ripped jeans and I didn't actually have a shirt so I went to Kio's room. I knocked on the door and he opened it. He was shirtless and and a toothbrush in his mouth.
Me: Can't get any weird than that. Anyways, can I borrow a hoodie?
Kio: Sure
He took one of his hoodies and gave it to me
Me: Thanks bro
I said while leaving. I put it on and sprayed deodorant under my armpits cause that's how you're supposed to use it. I put on my old converse. Then, kio came in
Kio: Hey, I got these shoes
Me: Can you read minds?
Kio: No..
He threw them at me and I put them on. He helped me downstairs and we ate breakfast together.
-at school-
Many people were whispering and looking at us. A girl even pushed me on my shoulder and I almost fell but Kio caught me in time. I saw Vinnie and we made eye contact. He jogged over to us.
Vin: Hey, how are you guys?
Me: I'm good
Kio: Good
Then, Jackson came with Troy
Jack: Hey, we heard what happened. We're really sorry
Me: It's alright
Troy: Yeah, and since you're mini Cyr, wanna join the group?
Me: I mean if everyone is fine with it then sure
Vinnie looked at all of them and they nodded
Vin: Welcome to the group
We all laughed.
-after a month-
I could walk again. I am in class next to Vinnie and behind us were popular girls. And in 2 days, is prom. I really wanted to ask Vinnie hut I knew I didn't have a chance. I mean, I'm just the lucky kid. Class was dismissed and the girls behind us stood up and wanted to leave. One of the girls poured get coffee all over me. The teacher turned around and saw while the 3 other kids who were still there took out their phones. Vinnie looked at me and felt bad.
Brenda: Oh, Vinnie, here's my number. I'll be waiting for that invitation to prom
I sat there looking at all my notes were all drenched. I stood up and left. I got to the girls bathroom and changed. Good thing I have spare clothes. I didn't bother to go in last period so I just went out of the school. I took a walk down the street and into the park. I saw the kids playing around having a good time and that warmed my heart a little. After an hour, I felt a gap on my shoulder
Vin: Hey, I'm sorry for the girls
Me: oh, it's okay it's not your fault
I said looking back Infront.
Vin: come on, let's get you home and wash all that coffee out
Me: Okay
I got up and we went to his car and went to my place. I got inside with a worried mom and Kio. They all turned to me quickly
Kio: Are you okay?
Mom: Oh my gosh I thought you ran away
I gave them hugs.
Me: No, I just needed time alone
Vin: Come on, you have to take a shower
Me: Okay mister impatient
I went to my room And took a shower and put on a hoodie and leggings. I went out of my closet to see Vinnie sitting on my bed.
Vin: Oh hey
He said looking up to me and smiling.
Vin: Hey can I talk to you?
Me: Sure
I put my towel up to dry and Vinnie stood up.
Vin: Hey I've been crushing on you for a long time. Even since before that all happened. And I want to ask you to prom and maybe also be my girlfriend?
I smiled widely at him.
Me: Yes Vincent. Yes I will
We kissed.
And so that's it. Vinnie took me to prom. We were inseparable after that. We were pretty much famous on social media so we didn't go to college. After 3 years, Vinnie asked the question and of course I said yes. We are married and have 2 beautiful children Zach and Stella. Stella is 7 and Zach is 4 and we're all happy together.

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