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I was in Vinnie's room cuddled up inVinnies blanket all cozy in the hype house while Vinnie was downstairs with Nai, chases roommates and the rest. I didn't want to go downstairs cause I know u can't stand seeing them together without little voices in my head.

"What if he leaves me for her?" "Does he still love me?" "What if I go downstairs, will they be kissing?"

My thoughts came back and they were getting darker and darker.

"what if I die? Will Vinnie care?" "No one cares about me unless I make mistakes"

The thoughts just keep coming back. I then was snapped out from my thoughts from the door opening. It was Vinnie.

Vin: You sure you don't wanna join?

Me: Yeah, I'll be fine

I gave him a small smile

Vin: Okay. You can always come down if you want to

Me: Okay

He smiled at me and closed the door. My thoughts came back after a while and after 30 minutes, I started overthinking and hyperventilating. I got so scarf and thought of other things like "What if there's something behind me?" I was sweating and couldn't calm down. And after a few minutes, I'm having an anxiety attack. I curled up into a ball. I grabbed my phone and sent an SOS message to Vinnie's phone by pressing a button just in case these things happen. Vinnie then barged in and took off the blanket off of me. He sat me up and pulled me into his chest.

Vin: Hey, I'm here. Follow my breathing.

I tried to but failed.

Me: N- nick

Nicholas Austin is my brother. Yes, my dumbass brother who is dating a famous singer. Neways.. Vinnie nodded and ran downstairs. Then, Vinnie and Nick was in the room.

Nick: Vin, get out

Vin: O- okay

He went out and nick calmed me down. For some reason it just works better when it's someone who is professional at it. He gave me a bottle of water and I drank some of it.

Nick: Hey, what happened? Talk to me

Me: I was just- it's stupid

Nick: Come on, please..

Me: What if Vinnie and nai get together? What if he leaves me for her?

I cried out. Nick hugged me

Nick: Well, you should talk to him about it. See how he feels about it

Me: What if he says he has feelings for her?

Nick: Then you're gonna break up with him and find a new one. It's not gonna be worth it if you love someone that doesn't love you back

I sighed

Me: Okay. I'll do it..

Nick: Just know that I'm always with you

Me: Okay

Nick: Now that's my baby sister

Me: I'm 18

Nick: And I'm 21

Me: Fine

He kissed my forehead

Nick: I still love you okay?

Me: Okay..

Nick: say it back

Me: I love you too Nicholas Austin

I said in a lazy tone

Nick: Okay. Come on, talk to him

Me: Okay, can you get him?

Nick: Okay

He went out and Vinnie came in and shutting the door

Vin: what were you gonna talk about?

Me: us

Vin: What do you mean?

Me: Babe, I know how you look at Nai and I know that you like her..

Vin: What? No.. I don't like her... We were just filming for some shit and we had to act sus

Me: Oh, sorry for asking..

Vin: Babe, what's wrong?

Me: What if you fall in love with her and leave me?

I said broken hearted

Vin: Aw, babe, don't think about it that way. I love you and you only. I don't even know if I deserve you. Your beautiful eyes, your hugs, your kisses are so gentle, we also can't forget how you put peoples priority first and we can't forget cuddles. Babe, you're the type of girl I was searching for and I would never leave you for anyone

I hugged him

Me: Sorry for asking.

Vin: it's okay...

He hugged back and rubbed my back. He knew that it would relax me when he rubs my back. It makes me fall asleep better. And so that's what I did. I fell asleep on him.

Vin's pov

I saw my cute girlfriend asleep on me and I decided to push off my friends a bit. I lay her down and changed into comedy clothes. By that I mean boxers and sweats. I was walking to my bed when the door creaked.

Nick: You guys good?

Me: yeah. We talked it out and she fell asleep

Nick: Okay good I thought I was gonna have to break your head

Me: Chill out there

Nick: Look man, I trust you so don't break her heart okay?

Me: I won't nick. Chill

Nick: okay. You joining us?

Me: No, I'm gonna stay here

Nick: okay. Take care of her bro

Me: I will

He left and closed the door. I cuddled up next to my girlfriend and fell asleep

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