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Request from vinniesuckksmee
Cool name btw 🙂... And i kinda switched it up.. just a tad bit

Vinnie and i were cuddling and watching anime. I've liked vinnie for a long time to be honest. We did couply shit and no we are not dating. People assume we were but we never were. We went on dates and late night drives. But i could never confess to him since he doesnt show any effection. I mean he smiles and we have fun but he doesn't really look like he likes me. I also-

Micheal: Vinnie, we're going to target. Wanna come?

Vin: Nah, i still wanna watch this episode of banana fish

Micheal: Okay

He left us alone. We finished the show.

Vin: Hey wanna go out for a late night drive?

Me: Sure

We went out and drove out.

Vin: Hey, i need some advice, I like this one girl but i think she doesn't like me back.

Me: Just tell her. If she doesn't accept you, then she's stupid. I mean, you got the looks and everything.

Vin: I'll text her later.

Me: Okay

We went to a hill we always go to and we sat there in silence. I felt my phone buzz all of the sudden.

Vin: Hey, i just wanted to tell you that i like you.. a lot

I looked at Vinnie.

Me: Me too Vin

We kissed and we headed on with our night

(Sorry it's short.. i had no idea how to do the plot)

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