Chapter 12

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Farha's POV
It's Monday afternoon and i have nothing to do at home.The kids and their parent have headed to their house,they will be coming...maybe everyday,Asad is at work,Ammar is at school and i am at home with my mum sitting like a bag of beans inside my room.I brought out my school book and started reading.Reading for exams is so boring but I have to read.I then heard someone opening my door.
"Maami."I said upon her entering.
"I am going out,are you coming with me?"
"Uhmmm,yeahh"I said afterall I am very bored.
"Okay,get ready please.Be quick."She said and left the room.I put on a straight gown and grabbed my purse,shoes,veil and went to Maami's room.
"You ready in time?Rain will fall today."Maami said and laughed.
I laughed too and we headed to the car.
"Mallam gidan Aisha zamu."Maami said to the driver.
Wait!!!!Did I hear her right?That's Salma's house for Allah's sake.Anyhow shaa.I brought out my AirPods and played Feelings by Ladipoe.We got there and entered the house.On entering the main sitting room i saw Ja'afar and Salma hugging each other.Ayyah,I think he is about to leave.They released each other when they noticed our presence,he greeted Maami,I took my eyes off him and continued pressing my phone.Salma greeted Maami,I sat down and she told Maami that Aunty Aisha is not around.Well Alhamdulillah atleast I won't stay long in this environment.
Maami excused her self to talk on the phone.
"hey Farha."She said as soon as Maami went out.
"Oh hey."I replied back.
"How are you?"She asked.
What??!!!what sort of question is that for fuck sake.
"Great I guess."i said.
"We are going to hold 3 events.Kamu,dinner and the bridal shower.
"Oh ayyah...Allah ya bada zaman lafiya."I said.This girl is getting on my nerves.
"Ameen,you are coming right?"
"But you will be on holiday by then."She said.
"Yess,I pray you have a blissful marriage but I am sorry Salma you might see or not see me."I said and got up to leave.
"Thank you for the prayer.But why won't you come to my wedding?Is it because i am getting married to your ex?Yess??Is it??Just accept the fact that Ja'afar is mine.I don't even know what he saw in you when he asked you to date him.I want you to attend the wedding.
I don't know what is wrong with this girl,her mother is my mother's elder sister.Why is she so mean?We were close back then fah.
"Ok Salma,Bye."I simply said and went out.
The tears were threatening to fall but i have already promised my self not to cry over this matter again.
"Farha,why are you outside?"
"Maami can we leave now please?"
"Are you alright dear?"
"Yess Maami."
She held my hand and we went to the car.When we arrived home she made me to sit down
"Did Salma say something?"She asked quite worried.
"Yess she did."I said .
"Is it bad?"She asked.
"No Maami."I said.
"Don't be moody okay?Go to your room and rest."She said.
"Or are you hungry?"
"No Maamie,thank you."She pecked me and i went to my room.I brought out my phone and called Sa'adatu.
"Heyy baby."She said when she picked the call.
"How are you and how is work."I asked.
"I am fine and work is very hectic."
"Ayyah...sorry girl.
"Someone is missing me huh?you called to hear my sweet voice."She teasingly said.
"Gerrout,I called you by mistake."
"Lies,so ya school?"
"Hmmm,school is fine Alhamdulillah."
"May Allah see us through."
"Ameen,I want to sleep so bye."
"Okay bye,Thank you hate youuu."
"Hate you too."I said and hung up.
Then Asad FaceTimed me,I picked my phone up and he was at work.
"bro."he said.
"I called to show you how handsome i look today."He said.
"Gaskiya you look good."I said and laughed.
"Okay bye."he said and hung up.
How can a normal human being facetime me just to tell me how handsome he looks.This is so funny.On a serious note i have nothing to do now and it is almost Maghrib so I picked my book and continued reading.

Imad's POV
"Imad,What are you thinking of?"Laila snapped a finger at me.
"Nothing,i am hungry can you please make coffee for me,What are you even doing in our apartment?
"Yes sir,I just felt like coming."she said and went to the kitchen.
I suppose to be at work today but I refused to since I don't have much to do in the office.And I am here sitting in the living room thinking about Farha.I have been asking myself what made her cry that day??She is too innocent to be hurt.I talked to her yesterday again and her voice have been ringing in my head.Damn!i love her voice.I don't know what I am doing right now.
"Here is your coffee."Laila said.
I sipped my coffee and we gisted with her.
"Imad."Laila called.
"Yess,What is it?"
"Can you please convince Baba to take me to the UK to continue studying"
"Whoa!You don't like your school?"
"I love it but I want to go to UK,he said he doesn't like girls going abroad alone."
"Ayyah but he has a point,you are so small and living alone is kinda mhmmm."
"That's what he said."She said sadly.
"I will see what I can do but be a good girl and continue studying okay?"I said.
"Okay,thank you."She said and left for her room.
I picked my MacBook and continued working from home.

Heyy❤️how are you????????!!!!!😂
Abegg vote😭
Okay bye...

Ahh!!wait a second.To those of you addding my book to your reading list.I don't even know what to say.Thank you very much🥺❤️❤️✊🏼I Love you.
Let me sip my juwince and wait for Imad and Farha to you know...?😂😂


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