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This is actually a lot harder to write than I expected. I always write from a third person perspective, so writing in first person is definitely a challenge. Still taking requests for all my HTTYD stories (including my Hiccstrid oneshot, which I haven't uploaded yet) so any chapter ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Hope you enjoy :)


I was shrouded in darkness. All I could hear were the cries of other dragons, all different kinds of dragons, and the faint voices of the humans that imprisoned us. Only two torches to light the long room I found myself in.

I recognized a few dragons in the cages across the room from mine; a Zippleback, a Razorwhip, and a Deadly Nadder, who appeared to be injured, though she would never admit it.

We had been there for days, the Nadder and I. The others all arrived that morning. I don't quite remember what happened. There I was, flying across the island I called home. The next thing I knew, I was on a ship, in a cage, one I couldn't get out of. Not that escaping would be any good with a broken tail, I couldn't fly away. All I could do now was pray.


It had been at least a week. I felt the ship stop once, but it wasn't long before we were on the move again. Even if I could fly away, I would never find my way home from here.

My Nadder friend was doing much better, I'm guessing she had sprained a wing, but she didn't seem to be in pain anymore.

I couldn't help but worry about my family. My mother and sister managed to escape the attack. My brother just barely made it out, flying in the opposite direction. I was happy in the knowledge that they were safe, but I couldn't help missing them more and more with every passing second.
We lost my father many years ago, he left on a raid and never returned. Since then, my brother and I made it our mission to keep our family safe. I just hope I haven't failed them.


I was slowly beginning to accept that I was never getting out of there. Just as I was about to give up, I heard a loud crash. The boat shook.
The sound of struggle coming from the platform above. The screams that came from the humans that captured us, was music to my ears as I heard the splashes of them hitting the ocean below.

I'm not sure who I was expecting, but I certainly wasn't expecting the small feminine human that was headed down the stairs. She was no older than me. I was only 15. But I was the 'Hiccup' of my family, some might say. Always the smallest.

She walked towards my cage, as I was closest. I backed away as far as I could. She smiled at me. Not the evil smirk I had seen on the larger, more masculine humans. This smile was one of kindness. It was oddly comforting after the week I'd had. Maybe not all humans were bad.

"It's okay." She said in a rather soft voice. "I won't hurt you." I didn't quite understand what she was saying, but I had a feeling that I could trust her.
I looked into her eyes, noticing that one was as green as the grass, the other as blue as the sky, and felt a sense of warmth as it reminded me of my little sister, her left eye was green like my brother, her right yellow like mine. I knew I could trust her. I just knew it.

She raised her hand through the bars of the cage, closing her eyes and turning her head. I assumed that this was her way of communicating with me. I slowly approached, placing my snout upon her hand. She let out a sigh of relief before opening the cage to let me out.

I immediately rushed to the cage across the room, gesturing for the human to free my Nadder friend. She smiled and quickly obliged before freeing the others.

"Come on, guys. Let's get you out of here." The young human suggested after checking each dragon to make sure we were all okay. We all raced up the stairs. The other humans were nowhere to be seen.
I soon noticed that the boat was docked  by a large island. Well, I say docked, more like crashed.

The other dragons immediately took to the skies. My Nadder friend turned back, she didn't want to leave without me. Stubborn Nadder. I told her to leave without me, because it was safer if she got as far away as possible, so they wouldn't find her. After a quick protest, she soon flew away, but she was definitely not happy about it.

The young human female looked at me in confusion. I assumed she was wondering why I hadn't flown away with my friend. I looked towards my broken tail, then back towards the young girl. She had tears in her eyes. She smiled at me. She gestured to the island beside us and began walking away. I was a little confused at first, but I decided to follow her, hoping she wasn't about to lead me into a trap.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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