Chapter 1: My Life Kinda Sucks Actually

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I initially used the word Gender in this chapter, but after realizing that may start a flame war, decided against it.  But honestly, what the fuck is wrong with people?  I'm an Extroverted Introvert with extreme bipolar anxiety problems and even I have better things to do than being offended all day.

My name is Y/n L/n, I'm a Mutant attending Kasuto University.  I'm currently living in the dormitories on site, and due to the vast variety of specific needs of most Mutants, each student get's their own dorm.  It's really just a small shitty apartment.  I'm not like other Mutant's though, you see, I'm a Tentacle Monster, just like my father, Chad L/n.  Many would assume my life is great, but my life kinda sucks actually.  Everyone assumes I'm a pervert because I'm a TM, and people are always asking me weird or uncalled-for questions.


"Can your tentacles be used like dicks?"
"Can you use them on me?"
"How much sex have you had?"
"How much can you cum?"
"How talented are you with your tentacles?"
"How many testicles do you have?"
"Oh god, pick me up and violate all my holes over and over again until I'm your submissive obedient onahole slut!"
"How many girls can you lift at once?"

My Answers:

Three dates and a Promise of Commitment, then maybe.
A Lot.
Eight, it's why my T-Scores are so high.
Depends on how much they weigh or how tall they are.  Body shape also plays a part.

I slumped down at my kitchen table, cradling a cup of dirty bean water.  I sighed a depressed sigh.  It hasn't been all bad, mainly due to my childhood friend Sarah.  She's so wholesome that she alone makes living worth it.  There's also my homeroom teacher Ms. Sato.  She doesn't assume that I'm a pervert and fully understands that I'm actually a wholesome old-fashioned guy.  I want to find a girl that I can love, cherish, and snuggle until the sun eventually devours all life as we know it.  Simple, calm, and wholesome.

Though I'm not dense or innocent by any measure.  Haven't had the luxury, you'd be surprised how many random girls wanna sleep with me.  It's kinda disturbing.  Though there are just as many who think I'm a disgusting creep simply for being what I am.  My dad gets a kick out of it though, thinks it's adorable.  My Mother on the other hand doesn't give a shit, she's always been a distant bitch.  I grumbled angrily, taking another sip of my coffee.

I took a glance at my wall clock, taking note that I have to be ready for my classes in an hour.  I chose morning classes so I'd have the rest of the day to myself.  It's not like I have anywhere to be anyway, I only have one friend, and she usually only stops by to drag me to the arcade, or make sure I hadn't killed myself.  Though I guess there's also Sara and Yua, two upperclassmen that seem to have taken a liking to me.  Sara is just as depressed as I am, and no one likes Yua.  Not because she's a bad person, far from it she's a great person, far better than I.  She's a centaur, a very clumsy, often airheaded centaur with no environmental awareness.  This causes her to knock things over, accidentally step on people's feet, or straight up knocking them over.  As a result, she's very unpopular.

Though you're probably wondering how mutations work right?  Well, there are many different types, each split up into groups or classifications. For example, Yua is classed as a Taur-Type Mutant, a Mutant with a mostly human upper body, and a quadrupedal lower body.  Then there are Monster-Type Mutants like Sarah, Sara, and me, these are Mutants that resemble Monsters from ancient history, with me being a Tentacle Monster, Sara being a Basilisk, and Sarah being a Cyclops.  There are many others, but I'll probably break them down later.  Mutants make up ninety percent of the total human population, with ten percent being Mundane, Mundy, or "normal" humans.  A mutation is almost always passed on by the parent with which you share your sex, I'm a dude so I'm a Tentacle Monster like my father.  There are rare cases where certain traits will be passed on to the child from the other parent, like for example, my horns that I inherited from my mother, a Demon-Morph.  Finally, there are really rare cases where mutations will jump a generation.  Where instead of corresponding with the Parent you share your sex with, it instead corresponds with the grandparent opposite of your sex.

Anyways, enough world-building, I gotta finish my coffee and get dressed.  I took another sip, letting out a gentle sigh.

Y/n: That's good shit right there.

I looked over to the sink, noticing with disdain that I forgot to do the dishes... again.  I sighed annoyed, before sending out six of my eight back-tentacles to sort the dishes into the dishwasher.  I morphed my tentacles tips into basic crude hands and started loading the time-saving machine.  After they were all loaded, I took one last gulp from my coffee, before setting it inside as well.  I recalled most of my tentacles, using the last one to load a Finnish Dishwashing Pod into its compartment.  Then hit the "Heavy Wash" and "Start" buttons.  My tentacles may cause me quite a bit of a headache from time to time, but they're awfully convenient.

I stood up and adjusted my f/c shorts before heading off to my room, closing the door behind me I decided to get dressed early.  Walking over to my dresser, I pulled out a pair of jeans, boxers, and a nice shirt and threw them on my bed.  I quickly slipped my shorts and boxers off, but before I could reach for my clothes, my bedroom door slammed open, and in bounded my childhood friend Sarah.

Sarah: Heya friend, time to... wake... up... uuuuhhhh.

Her large golden-colored eye lingered on my crotch

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Her large golden-colored eye lingered on my crotch.  Her mouth hung open in total shock and what seemed like... longing?

I looked down, nothing looked odd or off, four cocks, eight testicles, and two legs... what's gotten her so shocked?

Sarah: Um well.... seems like you're wide awake... bye!

She slammed the door and ran off.  I couldn't help but notice the large blush on her cheeks.  It's almost as if she's never seen me naked.  Which she has, lots of times, our parents were close friends, and she's never been good with the whole others' privacy thing.  Oddly enough, I've never seen her naked... not that I want to, but it's just never happened.

I shrugged, I'll ask her about it later.

I reached down and grabbed my clothes, putting them on one by one.  After I was done, I left my room, seeing Sarah sitting on my couch still blushing like crazy.

Sarah: When did you get so... big?

Y/n: Um... Puberty?  I guess...

I scratched the back of my head nervously.

Y/n: It's not like it's the first time you've seen me naked... whats wrong?

Sarah: Um well... its just... grr I don't know...

She looked away, her blush deepening considerably.

Sarah: Lets just... go to class aight?

Y/n: Right behind you...

My Everyday Life as a Tentacle Monster (Male TM Reader x Harem)Where stories live. Discover now