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"What if he says no!" Germany fiddled with the sleeve of his suit, looking at the floor as he watched his feet shuffle uncomfortably.

His head was lifted by a finger under his chin and he stared into the caring eyes of France, "He won't say no, he loves you."

"What if he doesn't!" Germany exclaimed, backing away from the three countries infront of him with an awkward laugh, "You know what, I feel sick, I think I'll go home!"

America pulled him back by his suit and hugged him, "You aren't going anywhere mister. If he says no, I have been given full permission to kill."

"No you haven't- But he loves you Germs, more than anything. And you love him more than anything, too right?" Germany smiled slightly at what Britain said and slowly nodded him head. He went to say something but was cut of by America.

"Obviously not as much as you love us though because we are your parents-"

"Well yes obviously but that man right there," France nodded to the large figure behind Germany and America, "Loves you more than life itself."

"Yeah, I guess." America pulled away from the hug with a smirk.

"You guess?" The allies laughed and Germany smiled nervously, "You know, more like. That big scary man loves you."

"Yeah! His heart might be cold and dull and stupid and a communist b-"


"Right, not helping. Let me start again- His warm and non-dull and totally not communist heart loves you!"

France rolled his eyes and chuckled, "Thank you America."

"You're welcome!"

Britain placed a gentle hand on Germanys shoulder, smiling up at him as he held out a small velvet box, "We believe in you."

"D-Danke." Germany replied nervously, smiling back. He then turned and looked at his boyfriend who was annoying his siblings with a laugh that melted Germanys inside. Looking away again, he attempted to stop heating up rapidly, "I-I can't!"

America groaned and pushed Germany so that he stumbled, ending up behind the Russian. Belarus giggled from beside Russia as Germany slowly pulled the suit his boyfriend wore.

"U-Uh Russland?" Said country turned and looked down with a scowl, his expression changing immediately when he noticed who it was.

"Oh Германия! I though you had a meeting right now."

"It was cancelled, again. I-I was wondering if I could tell you something?"

"Что вы хотите сказать? (What do you want to say?)"

"Well, we have known each other for... nearly 100 years now which is crazy to think about. And yet only 30 of those years we have been together. Now I thought... we can change that...? I love you so so so much Russland. More than anything," Germany nervously reached into his pocket, getting down onto one knee, "W-Will you m-marry me?"

After a few squeals of excitement and support from the allies, the room fell into silence and Germany swallowed the clump of nervousness in his throat. He awkwardly smiled up at his boyfriend, who kept looking from him to the ring and then back to the ring. Germany could feel something was wrong as the Russians eyebrows furrowed and held back tears that stung his eyes. China looked away from the scene with a sorrowful face, building more confusion inside the German.

"Stand up Германия." Germany tensed up as he did so, the sad but angry expression of his boyfriend confirming his fears.

"W-What?" He felt the first tear exit his eyes and rubbed them away quickly.

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