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"Welcome. I am Menchi, the second phase examiner" said the girl located on the couch. She was wearing a black bra and on top of it a see through shirt with hot shorts along with high boots that seemed to go up till her knees. "And I am Buhara, the other examiner." Said the giant human that is located behind The couch Menchi is seated on.

What? What's that sound I just heard? "You must be hungry" said Menchi looking at buhara. Wait...that sound came from his stomach?! Wow... "There you have it. Phase two will involve cooking!" Said Menchi. COOKING? Wow- the only thing I can not do in the world is required in the second phase..I'm so going to fail this.

People kept objecting and talking back to Menchi while I just zoned out, questioning my life choices. 'Well..I'm up for the challenge' I though for myself.
Suddenly I heard a vibration on the floor made by the named Buhara "The required ingredient is pork." Wow...just wow. I was so lost in thought that I finally realised that everyone has already disappeared to the woods while I just remained there. ugh I guess I have to go as well.

I swang from one tree to another following the green bean and his gang. He said something about the pigs' weak point being the head. 'Thank you very much' I ran towards one of the pigs and landed on the head making it collapse on the floor. 'Wow, it looks so dead' I carried it all the way back to where we started and threw it over the fire. I watched carefully everyone around me to figure out when to remove it and put it on a dish.

"Ah, shoot! It burned!" I whined out loud while everyone gave me a 1 minute glance then resumed back to what they were doing. I grabbed the hot burnt pig and smashed it on a plate and made my way to the table that was set in front of Menchi.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" She screamed at my face...yeah I expected that. "YOU FAILED" ah mannn..I never failed a challenge that was set in front of me, how can I possibly do this? "HOW ON EARTH DOES COOKING HELP YOU BECOMING A HUNTER" I screamed back stomping my feet on my way back feeling her death glare like daggers that went through my back. Everyone had a turn and everyone seemed to fail. "That was so much food, I'm stuffed!" Said Buhara. As he should🙄
"Yeah I'm stuffed too, therefore, no one passes." Meh not surprised. Everyone seemed to complain while I just sat legs crisscrossed on the grass laying my back flat against the ground. They all argued which seemed like forever then suddenly a big shadow showed up covering the sun's light...a blimp?

After people blabbered about how the symbol of the Hunters Association was on the blimp and from there jumped an old man from the blimp...that man is in better health than me, I'm surprised. I snapped up and down slamming on the floor from the giant crash that the old man had done, "OW MY BUTT!" I shouted gaining everyone's attention..AGAIN. And there appeared the old man walking with what seemed like a slow motion walk with all fog around him...too dramatic.

"The chairman of the selection. Committee. He is in charge of the Hunter exam!" Said Menchi. Yeah well that explains how he is able to jump from A FLIPPIN' FLYING BLIMP. "Chairman Netero." Concluded Menchi. (Rip😔)

"Well I work behind the scenes, I only take actions when there's an issue. Like now." Said the old man named Netero.

He spent a while lecturing Menchi about what she had done while she talked, that's so boring. "When cooking is involved, I lose control" she mentioned. Yeah, same..but I lose control in a negative way. They talked and talked and talked until we came to a conclusion. Apparently Menchi had to participate with us in the exam and we will all have to redo that second phase, PHEW! "Very well, then the new challenge will be..." everyone had their eyes widened and ears opened waiting for her to speak up, "Boiled eggs!" She finished.
"SWEET! IM THE BEST AT BOILING EGGS!" I bursted out with excitement. "Not exactly, you'll see....Chairman, can you take us to Mt. Split-in-half in your airship?" Said Menchi. Well I guess we will boil eggs somewhere else..why?

We went on the airship and waited to reach our destination. Once we landed, we all went out of the air blimp. The place seemed like a ground split into two halves.

"Now everyone, look down." We all looked down through the cracked area between the split ground and saw what seemed like webs? Webs that had eggs attached to each part of it. "This is a Spider Eagle's web." And with that came a huge amount of air that flipped almost everyone to the back. Menchi then decided to..jump, or in other words, kill herself? Yeah uh she held onto one string of the web and waited...once she felt a light breeze she let go and caught an egg...uh nothing happened then...I leaned in and focused then hearing something coming, I backed away and poof there she is grabbing onto an egg.

I couldn't wait, right after she came I screamed "FINALLY A BIG CHALLENGE! WOHOOO" I then jumped into the deep opening getting followed by the green bean and his gang..those dudes really are something. I waited for a while then let go, I am too impatient. "No! Don't let go!" Shouted the green bean but too late, I was already falling..I quickly grabbed and egg on the way. I kept falling until suddenly I felt the air pushing me back up to the surface. "WOHOOO" I yelled while landing and balancing myself back on the floor, I went to boil my egg impatiently. After what seemed like forever, the egg was finally ready, I peeled off the top hard layer while munching on the egg...DUDE THAT TASTES SO GOOD I MIGHT JUMP BACK THERE TO GET A FEW MORE. I then spotted the one named hisoka so I decided to go over and talk to him...since I'm bored.

"Yo. The eggs are good right?" I asked skipping my steps and making my way to the McDonald's clown, "yes, very good~" he that gave me shivers, this dude really is something huh?

After we were done, the chairman decided to stick with us to the rest of the journey and he even let us on the whole focus wasn't really on that, but on what the green guy that tags along with Netero said..He said there is food in there, ah man I'm so hungry.

Once everyone was inside I ran searching for the room that contains all the goodies(food), I ran so fast that I didn't realise who I was literally 2 inches away from. I pumped my head into the dude's head, wow his hair is soft though...without saying anything I pushed the what seemed like the albino from before to the side and dashed to where I smelled the food, of course getting chased by him.

"Oi, get back here! You can't pump into someone without apologising!" Said the albino, I raised my hand in an apologetic way without even bothering to look back. I slammed the door open and- "HEY! GET OUT! NO KIDS ARE ALLOWED IN HERE." Shouted an old man that seemed to be wearing a uniform that somewhat looked like a chief- OMG THAT WAS THE KITCHEN. "S-sorry, where can I find the dining room then?" I asked politely, "straight then the first door on your right" replied the old man. I ran off with excitement slamming the other door open and....KYAAHHHH SO MUCH GOODIES! I ate, then ate, then I ate, and then I also ate... "uh sir, where is the dessert?" I asked a man that was standing beside the food, he sweat dropped then pointed and the place and of course I dashed there not letting anyone get in my way until I was beaten by the albino who was already there about to lay a finger on the custard stuffed doughnut..Nu-uh on my dead body. I ran as fast as I could, grabbed the doughnut from his hand and stuffed it all inside my mouth...ahhh that's so good, but little did I realise that I was receiving glares from the albino and the green bean.

"Yo! I forgave you the first time but that is enough! That doughnut was mine!" He screamed at my face and before I could answer, I made sure I chewed and swallowed every single piece of the doughnut. "Hm? What was that? Come and get it if you want...Oh wait whoops that's too late.." I said with a cheesy smirk, watching the albino stream up like the way Tom did in Tom and Jerry. "It's okay killua, there is plenty of them!" Said the green bean with a wide grin. "Yeah killua, it's okay." I spoke this time driving the albino nuts. And that is where the chasing began. I ran as fast as I could not giving the albino a chance, we went running in the corridor of the blimp until I ran straight to the main room and that's when I fell onto the floor...I slept.

Words: 1610

Edited: nope

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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