Arrival in Thornewind

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Thornewind was gorgeous. Sure, Eric was looking at it from a distance atop Asha, but it made one hell of a good first impression. Thornewind seemed colorful and vibrant and he wanted to explore every last inch of it. He gently kicked Asha's side and she began walking at a slow, leisurely pace.

Thornewind was a town nestled in the mountains north of Aurora Zenith. The tiny glimpse he saw of it left him awestruck, from its tall, rich buildings packed closely together to its bright windmills scattered across its many open fields. Then there was the sight that awaited him over the ridge, stealing his breath away.

There were tulips that stretched as far as the eye could see. A sea of blue, red, orange, pink, and yellow blossoms swayed in the summery breeze. It was strange how all these tulips were in bloom when Augvesta had just rolled around but he didn't put much thought into it. Botany was more of Ven's expertise and she would be positively thrilled upon seeing this.

It was soon after crossing the garden he arrived at the entrance. It surprised him to see how lax security was if they let a complete stranger in without so much as a request for papers. He didn't mind it, though; it just struck him as odd since no one was allowed entry if they weren't deemed trustworthy back in his childhood home. He and Asha passed through the threshold and was rendered speechless.

Towering brick buildings loomed over him while a rainbow of others stood further ahead of him. Paths of smooth stone ran in every direction, the opposite of Aurora Zenith's dirt roads that swept up dust with enough energy behind it. He could hear the tinkling of wind chimes and the fervor of voices all around him. Thornewind certainly had Brinegarde beat in its lively atmosphere.

He hopped off Asha, making sure to keep the reins in a firm grip. Her deep brown eyes met his as he slowly put a hand on her face and stroked. She didn't flinch, which was a good sign of progress.

"You're such a good girl, Asha," he murmured, moving his hand down to stroke her neck. "Let's find a place for you to rest, hmm?"

It didn't take long to find a stable. He led her into one of the empty stalls and fed her a couple sugar cubes as a reward for all the hard work she'd done over the past two weeks. The last thing he did was tell the stableman how to care for her during her stay and that he'd be checking up on her daily. Waving goodbye to Asha, it was time to explore Thornewind.

With it being mid-afternoon, it was pleasantly warm as people crowded the streets on their day-to-day routine. The sound of the wind chimes grew louder and the scent of delicious meals made his mouth water in anticipation. Thank god his anxiety wasn't ruining this for him. He could hardly contain the bounce in his step as he excitedly toured around the busy thoroughfares. It was rare for him to see and visit new places so he wanted to make the most of this trip.

There were two things he noticed. First was that most of the people he saw weren't humans nor were they elves. Their ears were similar to Ven's and they had what seemed to be like fangs sticking out from their upper lips. What really threw him off, though, were their sizes. Many of them were easily a foot or so taller than him just from a distance and were definitely well-built. Whatever these people were, they've caught his eye and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't enticed.

Then there were the stares. He initially thought they were wondering what a human was doing here till he realized it was what he wore. It wasn't like he was wearing an extravagant suit but he still clearly looked like a noble, or so he assumed. He wasn't trying to show people up. He was just taught to always dress his best for important events and he considered his reason for being here to be one such.

Now came the realization he was lost. He had become so engrossed in his surroundings, an hour flew by without him noticing. He needed to find the lord of this town and talk with them about the relationship between them and Aurora Zenith. Allies were essential in political affairs, after all. The bad part was, he had no idea on where to start looking.

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