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I wake up on my couch with the worst case of cottonmouth I've ever had

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I wake up on my couch with the worst case of cottonmouth I've ever had. I sit up slowly trying not to rattle my brain any worse than it already was.

The sun is blinding as its rays shine through the glass balcony doors. Looks like there won't be any rain today. I scratch the back of my head and I feel a large knot.

The fuck?! How did I hurt myself?

That's when it all comes crashing back to me and my head whips around the room.

Where is she?!

I quickly get up checking my room, the bathroom, and closets, but she's nowhere to be found.

Did I dream it all? I really need to chill with the drinking!

The dream felt so real and I could have sworn I'd seen that woman before.

I walk out onto the balcony to pull out the box of items left behind by the previous tenant. I saved it all just in case they ever came back.

I pull the small box out of the closet and rummage through it. Pulling out the raincloud key chain, ghost hunter book, a ziplock bag of different pins, and finally what I'm looking for.

It's a picture of two people smiling as they are getting drenched in the rain. The man has a huge rectangular smile on his face, his almond-shaped eyes are slightly covered by his brown hair, and he's taller than the woman he has his arm wrapped around.

I focus on her and I know for sure she was the one I dreamed of last night. It was her large eyes surrounded by full long lashes, I could never forget them.

They were captivating, in the same way, you could stare at the moon. They were the color of a powerful storm coming in holding both danger and beauty.

Why would I dream about her? Who is she? I place the other items back into the box, but something tells me not to put the picture back. Instead, I fold the man out of it just showing her, and place the photo in my wallet.

I drag myself back to my room and throw myself on the bed when I suddenly hear the T.V. turn on. I go back into the living room confused about how it could have clicked on when, abruptly, a chill rose up my spine making me shiver.

Something was here with me and I could feel it. I had seen enough scary movies to know better than to just brush this off. I whipped around but saw nothing.

This can't be happening. This isn't real! I told myself.

Faint whispering echoed around me. I slowly turned my head over my shoulder and the whispering stopped.

The air chilled to ice and my labored breathing became the only sound.

Fuck This!

I bolted out of my apartment, down the hallway to 4A, and banged on the door until Jin pulled it open.

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