Part 1

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Tears form in my eyes as I run to my dorm room, my thoughts scattered and loud. I can't believe this. I thought they were my friends, people who cared for me. Have they ever had genuine sympathy for me?
I slam the door behind me, locking it and sitting on my bed. I pull thick blankets over myself, letting myself cry over harsh words swimming in my head.
Rude, oblivious.
Well, whatever. I mean, it's not like I'm going to forgive and forget, but this isn't necessarily surprising. I've been abandoned, betrayed, and bullied my whole life. For being quirkless, shy, innocent. So, whatever. I'll just have to get through high school, one day at a time. Maybe they'll just leave me alone? Not likely.
I eventually pull myself out of my thoughts, deeming myself in need of a hug from my mother.
I put on a hoodie and successfully leave the building without being seen, maneuvering through the winding city.
As I reach my street, I hear sirens and busy chattering. My house should be coming into sight by now, but a large fire truck blocks the view.
I hurry to the scene, stopping in front of a frowning police officer.
"Excuse me, what happened here?"
"There was a fire. Please step back."
I get a glimpse of my house. Or what's left of it. "B- But I live there. What happened? Where's my mom?"
He raises an eyebrow and worry creeps onto his face. Maybe pity? "You live there? Please come with me, then."
I silently trail behind him, peering past him to the ashes and ruble in front of the fire truck. We stop in front of another officer, who looks to us from a small clipboard in her hands. "Izuku Midoriya?"
"Yes, that's me."
Once again, pity clouds her face. "I regret to inform you that your mother died in a house fire."
It takes me a moment to register her words, but soon enough, silent tears roll down my face.
"It seems the gas stove was left on and a flame was lit in the house, resulting in a small explosion."
"I- I see."
"We're going to have to take you to the station for some procedural questioning. Do you have a place to stay while we-"
Everything past then is a blur, nothing passing my mourning state of mind.
From the police station, I wander through the busy city, eventually stopping at UA. I really don't want to go there, I don't want to deal with my classmates. The sun is setting, however, so I have no choice.
Walking through the large campus, I'm stopped by All Might in all his number one glory.
"Young Midoriya. I'd like to talk to you."
"What is it?" He doesn't seem to notice my puffy eyes and continues.
"I need One For All back. I realize now that I made a mistake in choosing you to be my successor. I do hope you will become a wonderful hero, despite your lack of a quirk."
He says with a small smile. A smile. While crushing his student's dreams. How big of an oblivious asshole can someone be?
I'm stunned, but that quickly changes to anger.
"Fine." Is all I manage to spit out, handing him a hair and storming off to my dorm room.
I hurry past my classmates in the common room, ignoring shouts from behind me.
Tears form once again in my already red eyes, staining my cheeks further. Just like this morning, I slam the door shut, locking it and flopping onto my bed. Pulling about five blankets onto myself, I let out a ragged sigh and close my eyes.
Holy crap. So much intense stuff has happened today, you might think I'm in a manga. I don't bother reminiscing, the summary is still clear in my mind.
I lost my only friends. I lost my only family. I lost my quirk, and I lost all dreams of becoming a hero. Now I'm just a quirkless deku, alone and broken.
I let sleep consume me, holding onto those thoughts for as long as I can.

• • •

I wake to a rushed knock at my door, eyes snapping open.
"Deku? Are you in there? School is about to start!"
I try to answer, but nothing comes out. Not a sound, as much as I will myself to speak. I try for a long time, until I hear footsteps receding outside my door.
I wait for a moment and then sigh, internally of course. I reach to rake a hand through my hair, before freezing in place with wide eyes.
I stare at my hand, confused and scared. Then something clicks in my mind, and I study the hand closely. Well, it isn't exactly a hand. It's scaly, with four fingers and giant, glinting talons.
I finish examining my new hand and look down, eyes once again wide. I'm looking at a dragon tail, attached to a dragon body. My body. What the hell?! I scamper up, leaping on all fours to the ground and then to the bathroom.
I jump onto the sink counter, looking cautiously into a mirror in front of me. Slanted, large eyes stare back at me. Green eyes with needle pupils, black scales, silver talons, and a large snout and long tail. I'm a dragon. I even have large wings folded onto my back. I flex them, careful of the walls around me. I have a huge wingspan, and my wings are bat like and black, with green veins winding through them. I reluctantly tear my eyesight from the mirror, leaping back to the floor and into my bedroom. Is this a quirk? Did I manifest a quirk? I've heard of quirks that are forced into a person's body because of traumatic events and major emotions. I never thought it would happen to me.
I guess it wouldn't hurt to test it out. I think of a tiger in my head, picturing every last detail of it's physically appearance.
I open my eyes and look at my hand. Well, damn. I study the giant paw in front of me, turning it and trying to retract my claws back and fourth. I swing a bushy tail behind me, and test out my new body a little. I can't do much in this crowded room, but I try out all sorts of animals. A songbird, a frog, a dog, etc. wow. I can control my forms, and it doesn't seem like I need concentration to maintain them. I don't feel sick or tired, so I don't have a clear drawback yet. Maybe I don't have one? Not likely.
Now I have to change back to my human form. I picture my human body, and in an instant I'm back. My clothes are still on, too. I stand and sit on my bed, knees pulled to my chest.

I guess I'm just a worthless monster now.

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