Part 2

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I rush out of the airport, exited to explore my new home. It's been three months since my mother died and my life fell to ruins. I'm just glad for this new chance, glad to be out of UA.
Bright sun envelopes me, warming me as a cold breeze runs past me.
I climb in a taxi, only a small backpack in my hands. I'm not bringing much with me, only money, a few essentials, and a picture of my mom and I. I might as well start out my new life on a completely blank slate.
In about twenty minutes, the taxi comes to a stop. I step out, looking up at my new home. I walk into the tall, brick building, greeting a small woman at the front desk. I take my key and climb up the stairs, entering a large room. I set my bag down on a grey couch, taking off my shoes and hoodie.
I walk through the rooms, studying each corner. I have a large living room, a kitchen and dining room, a bedroom, and a bathroom. Plus a small balcony connected to a fire escape. Each room is full of furniture, modern and new. The kitchen even has full sets of cutlery and pans, with much more.
I set my old computer on the dining table, sitting on a chair and logging in.
I've become very good at hacking over time, and that's why I was able to move to New York in the first place.
I hacked into my mom's bank accounts and such, buying a plane ticket and my new apartment. I also enrolled in Liberty Academy, a hero school not far from here. With Principal Nezu's help, of course.
Anyway, I order food. Pizza, to be exact. It comes in no time, and I eat and check my phone. I've blocked everyone from class 1A, so I don't have many notifications. Only a few adds and a text from Aizawa, my former teacher. I reply and put away my leftovers, then get ready for bed.
I put my phone on silent and bury myself in the large mattress and sheets, letting myself fall unconscious.

I'm already exited for the day as I groggily sit up, turning my alarm off with a lazy hand. A human hand, luckily. Sometimes I wake up in a different form, even if I start out as human.
I shower and change, grabbing my keys, wallet, and phone before exiting the building. I reach the mall in minutes, rushing in and out of stores excitedly.
By the end of the day, I have a full closet of ripped jeans, oversized shirts and crop tops, vans and docs, and much more. I also stocked up on everyday essentials, such as bathroom stuff and food. I spent a lot today, but it was totally worth it.
The next day, I go through the same thing. Well, today is a little different. I get piercings all over. My ears, nose, tongue, bellybutton, and lip all have black gems in them. I also got a tattoo. In a line reaching up my arm, I have a series of black designs, almost like a spread out, vertical mandala. I now have an undercut, my recently forest green hair now black, with only highlights of dark green.
I have to say, I'm pretty proud of myself. I think I'm finally ready to start at my new school, and change myself for the better. Non of that shy fanboy shit.
Well, time for bed.

I walk through the front gates with a crowd of students, maneuvering through to the principal's office.
I take a deep breath and knock, earning a small shout to enter from the other side. I do so, swinging the door open and closing it behind me.
A tall, older woman stands to greet me, pushing rectangular glasses further up her pointed nose.
"You must be the transfer student. Pleasure to meet you, Izuku. You can call me Principal Ash." (Couldn't think of anything better I'm sry)
"Nice to meet you." I shake a bony hand, soon retracting my own into my pocket.
"Well, first of all, you'll be in Mr. Cory's class, on the second floor. Now, for some ground rules. It's your choice if you want to pass or fail a class, so I don't give a shit about your personal troubles. Participation and attendance don't matter towards your overall grades. I don't care what you do, but don't bring the police with you. This might not be the most expensive, fanciest hero school, but if you try hard enough, you will become a great hero. That's all, get to class."
"Um, yes ma'am."
Well, that was much different than what I've experienced. But, I can tell this'll be fun.
I walk to my first class, climbing stairs to the second floor. I sigh and swing the door open, a bored expression plastered on my face.
Everyone looks at me, and the Mr. Cory breaks the short silence.
"Are you the transfer student?" He earns a small nod and continues. "Introduce yourself and take a seat."
I step into the room, closing the door behind me. "I'm Izuku Midoriya. My quirk is called transformation."
I leave it short and vague, quickly taking an empty seat.
I go through this with every class, but I tune out each lesson. Everything is review so far, much further behind than in Japan. Eventually the school day ends, and I hurry to the front gate to leave. I'm almost out when someone calls my name.
"Hey! Izuku, right?"
"Yeah, why?"
A few people are panting behind me, looking at me curiously.
A blue- haired boy speaks up first. "I'm Jake. You wanna hang out?"
I raise my eyebrow slightly, but smile too. "Sure. What are we doing?"
Jake looks over to the others, who start introducing themselves.
The blonde is Tessa, a short brunette's name is Kira, and a rather attractive boy is named Alex.
Tessa speaks up first. "Why don't we go to Jake's place?"
An exited murmur of agreement goes around before I'm dragged off to 'Jake's place'.

This'll be fun.

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