Chapter 1

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I use all my strength to roll over and slap my alarm clock off. It can't really be 7am already, can it? Nahh, something's wrong with it. I glance at it to see what the time actually is.


"FUCK!" I exclaim, that damned clock, it always played up, but only by 5 minutes normally.

I rush out of bed, but my legs got tangled in my blanket when I turned over, so I end up tripping over and hitting my head on the bedside table, great way to start the day isn't it?

While hopping around trying to get my jeans on, and brushing my teeth at the same time, my phone's screen lights up with a text message from Kayden. Absolutely no time to read a text, my bus is arriving in 15 minutes and I still need to get dressed, have breakfast and feed our dog Lou.

But it's Kayden. I can't ignore Kayden. He's my best friend.

Eventually I managed to get those stupid skinny jeans on, shove my black vans on, pull on a shirt and chuck my thin brown hair into a pony. As I ran down the stairs, with my toothbrush still hanging out of my mouth, Lou was galloping excitedly all over my feet waiting for breakfast, and Lou isn't a small dog, Lou is a large golden Labrador without any coordination and a stomach that a horse would have.

I ran over to the fridge, with Lou still in tow and got the dog food can and emptied half of it into Lou's silver food dish, 10 seconds and he was done. Is that dog ever full??

Ran back upstairs, spat out my toothpaste and put my toothbrush back, grabbing my school bag and phone on the way before sprinting to the bus stop, just in time to see my bus leave. Shit.

I got out my phone, ready to text mum or dad, whoever responded first had to come take me to school. I was about to press the 'send' button when a horn of a car starting honking furiously. I looked up and saw Kayden driving and grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

He was driving and Audi. An AUDI? I knew he was getting his first car yesterday, but I didn't realise he was getting an Audi as his first car. He didn't say anything about it to me. Well, he probably did considering he was talking about it like a little kid excited for Christmas, but I zoned out and must of missed it.

He had turned 17 today, a year older than I am. I turned 16 two months ago. He had finally gotten his P's. On the third attempt.

As I opened the sleek silver door and got into the luxurious leather passenger seat, Kayden turned to me with a devilish grin on his face.

"Pays to read your texts Amberrrr!"


"You were in a rush to catch the bus, weren't you?"

What? How could he tell?

"How did you know that...creep are you stalking me?"

Kayden laughed.

"Your hair looks like you've slept on it for 3 days and you don't have any makeup on. Also you were waiting at the bus stop."

I rolled my eyes, I really should have checked that message. Would of saved me a lot of stressing out.

Kayden turned around and grabbed his black flat-cap. It was his trademark and I have never seen him without it. He put it on his head, so his fluffy brown hair stuck out a little bit around it, and his awesome side-fringe was shown at the front.

"When I am driving, I will be known only as Captain Kayden. Got it Amber? Captain. Kayden." He smirked as he said this, that boy could go into the Guinness Book Of World Records with how many times he smirked on a daily basis.

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