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"Oh keep them coming, my guy

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"Oh keep them coming, my guy. We got a long night ahead of us!" I heard Joan say to the bartender. She had to raise her voice to be heard over the loud music that was playing through the event room, and spilling out into the bar.

"She's joking!" I interrupted as soon as I could make it to her side. "We're cutting her off after three drinks." The bartender's gaze ripped away from Joan to glance in my direction. He was an employee I surprisingly hadn't recognized before.

Usually we booked all our catering and bartending through the same company, which meant we often ran into the same employees. It was sort of fun seeing the same group of guys every few months. We got to know them... They got to know us... and our go-to alcoholic drinks. It was comforting seeing a familiar face around while we were working on networking.

This one, however, was new.

"Are you guys guests or something?" He asked me in a very dull toned voice. He immediately struck me as someone who would have rather been literally anywhere else on the planet right now. This isn't to say that the rest of his coworkers were excited to be here or anything, but they at least tried to look like they were approachable. It felt like I was wasting his time by making him do his job.

"No, we both work here. No more than three drinks, and if you see a shorter man in a bright neon green suit, don't serve him more than three drinks either. No exceptions, understood?" I asked him. His eyebrows furrowed slightly at my admittedly odd request.

"I... guess?" He replied.

"And I mean it. They'll do it all to get to you. Bribes. Tricks. Thievery. I need you to be strong-" I glanced down at the bartenders name tag. Okay, his name was... Thad?

The only Thad I knew was from the show Blue Mountain State. Up until this point, I thought the name was a myth conjured by the writers of one beautiful show.

Yet here I was...

... face to face with a Thad.

"... I need you to be strong, Thad. If I find out these two have gotten far too wasted, it's your company's Yelp rating I'm coming for." I finished. Thad gave me one of his blank stares that was nearly indecipherable, and that was where I decided to leave it at. I dragged Joan away from the bar and back towards the main event room.

As soon as we made it into the main hall, my eyes immediately zeroed in on Derek. With his bright ass fucking suit on, his location at the snack bar was a dead giveaway. He had his hand alternating between the cheese platter, the truffles, and the chocolate fondue fountain. Joan followed as I speed walked towards him.

"You two are absolutely ridiculous, you know that?" I scolded Derek and Joan. "We're working tonight. This means no stuffing your face with food, Derek. And no overdrinking for either of you two."

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