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"This was wonderful, Alex

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"This was wonderful, Alex. Well done!" Henry gave me another strong handshake before he made his way through the company doors towards his vehicle.

"He's a cool guy." I commented to Christian once he had disappeared in the rain.

"Definitely." Christian agreed. "He's known my father for years. He's been helping with event photography for as long as this company has been up and running." My eyes grew wide at Christian's words. "I'm just glad that this event was a success. Truly was a well done job on your part, Alex."

My body started to heat up when Christian redirected his gaze to focus on me. He was giving me that look. That if it wasn't for people still here, you'd already be naked look. Before he could expand on that look, we were interrupted by someone quite literally running into us. Derek had torpedoed through Christian and I from behind, momentarily knocking us off balance.

"Alright kids!" He spoke, slamming hands down energetically on our shoulders. "I heard it's a party at Brad's tonight!"

Christian gave me a look. I didn't even have to look his way to know he was annoyed...

But he tolerated it for my sake.

So Brad, Joan, Derek, Christian and I made our way over to Brad's. We didn't stay long because Christian and I had the flight in the morning. That, and Christian's exhaustion was starting to seriously show. He was constantly rubbing his eyes throughout the remainder of the evening, and even temporarily dozed off on me when we were catching up on news with the gang.

I think Brad's breaking point was when he finished making us tacos, just to have Derek not eat any.

"I'm full!" Derek whined.

"So you're telling me that I went through all this work to put together something that you might actually like, only for you to be full?" Brad asked. If you looked closely, you could see his bottom eyelid start to twitch.

"It's not my fault!" Derek insisted, but Joan was quick to shut it down.

"You made love to that snack bar today Derek. This is entirely on you." She replied. Christian and I got a good laugh in at that. Luckily, I was absolutely starving after the day we had, so that just meant more tacos for me.

When we made it back to Christian's, it was approaching ten at night. Nathaniel and I said a quick hello amidst the struggle of trying to get Christian's sleep deprived self to his bed. He was looking at his couch longingly, but I insisted that if he knocked out there, he'd regret it in the morning. By the time we made it to his bedroom, Christian had stripped off completely to his underwear. I followed close behind him, picking up the articles of clothing he was randomly discarding everywhere.

While I would have loved to spend a little more time with Christian tonight, I didn't complain as he flipped up the duvet cover and pulled me into his arms. He smelt like one of his regular colognes. It had this spice sort of scent to it. I nuzzled my face deeper into his chest as his arms tightened their hold on me.

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