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I woke up the next morning to an empty bed, and a note by my pillow

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I woke up the next morning to an empty bed, and a note by my pillow.

It said:

Good Morning Baby. I got up early because, like always, I got some shit to take care of. You didn't have anything in the fridge, or at least anything I knew how to make... so I had something ordered to the office. Let me know when you make it in. Don't worry about a suit and tie today, and don't work too hard.

That brought a smile to my lips... especially when I glanced at my bedside alarm clock and realized I was running very fucking late. After a very brief shower and a questionable choice of clothing, I was out.

The greatest part about working on the weekend, was the lack of traffic on the road. I was able to zoom down the interstate without any exit back ups, or random ass accidents created by people who wanted to go nowhere fast because we were all bumper to bumper anyways. By the time I made it, I was sure I beat my personal best.

Once I made it into the building, I was quickly alarmed by the amount of people that had come into work today. Here I was, fully prepared to sit in an empty office for the next few hours listening to some podcasts and getting some work done... but instead, I was welcomed by an entire team of workaholics running around the building like it was on fire.

After punching in on the third floor, I made it back to the first floor. The floor I was hoping I could still relate to as the sane floor.

Once I got out of the elevator, I was instantly at peace. All the veterans were relaxed back in their chairs and completely ignoring their phones, while they made the new hires take the calls. Griffin, who was one of the veteran customer service reps down here, welcomed me as soon as we made eye contact.

"Jesus, you still work here?" He gasped, as I walked on over to his desk.

I flipped him off immediately.

"Oh kill the dramatics. I know I haven't been here a while-" I started.

"A while?" Jillian, another service rep chimed in. I hadn't even known she was in today until she popped her head up from underneath her desk, scaring Griffin and I shitless.

"Hey there Jillian, nice to see ya." I gave her a small wave. "Most of my things were moved upstairs when I took the new position so, unfortunately, I don't have a reason to come down here anymore." I explained.

Griffin clutched his chest. "Is coming down here to visit your favorite reps, not a good enough reason?"

Okay touché, I thought to myself. The honest to god truth was that, besides Derek and Joan's presence, this floor made working here far more bearable. The lack of fucks our customer department team gave, was truly an inspiration. There were days I questioned how some people still had their jobs.

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