Chapter 8

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Sabrina's POV
Ugh! Mixed emotions are so annoying! Puck wants to do the deed and I want to too, but at the same time I just want to cuddle and watch movies! I absolutely love him but I feel like he's forcing me.

I walk downstairs to find Daphne and Red sitting on the couch with Puck nowhere to be seen. I sit down with the girls and watch what's on the tv. Soon enough I get bored and walk into the kitchen to see frying pans and spatulas flying everywhere,
" What the hell is going on?!"
Puck shoots his head out of the cupboard and smiles at me,
" I'm making food!"
" Puck I really don't think that's a good or safe idea "
" But I wanna make food for you cause I love you "
" That's sweet Puck, but your just going to make a mess and burn the food, I know you. "
" Well I guess you do know me. "
" Here, I'll help you clean up. "
" Thanks Brina. "

I help him put everything back into the cupboards and stand back up, Puck stands up and kisses me on the cheek, I wrap my arms around his neck an he wraps his arms around my waist, he pinches my butt and I squeal,
" What?! What happened?! " Daphne and Red come rushing in, we quickly untangle from each other and move to the other sides of the kitchen,
" What?! Oh my god are you guys a thing?! " Daphne screams,
" NO! " Me and Puck yell in unison,
" Then what were you two doing wrapping yourselves around each other?! "
" Puck hugged me because I helped him clean up! Nothing's happening! "
" Then why did you squeal like a pig? "
" I dropped a pan and it fell on my foot"
" Oh ok, but I'm keeping my eyes on you two " Daphne says as she creepily walks out the door with Red on her tail,
" That was a close one Puck, don't do it again! Ok? "
" Yes Ma'am! "
" Oh shut it "

We finish cleaning and I start heading up stairs when Puck grabs my hand and pulls me up into his bedroom, he pulls me into the forest to his bed,

Pucks POV
I pull Sabrina to my bed and start taking my shirt off, Brina just stands there looking confused and scared,
" Brina? "
"What? Uh yeah? "
" Come On " as I motion to getting undressed,
" No Puck, I'm not doing it. "
" What? Don't you trust me? "
" I do, I'm just not ready "
" Aw come on babe! " as i pull her to the bed,

Sabrina's POV

Puck pulls me to the bed,
" I said no Puck!"
" Babe come on, you and I both know you wanna do it "
" Yes Puck, but not now! "
Puck starts pulling off my shirt and fiddling with my bra as I try to stop him,
" Puck I said stop! "
But he keeps playing with the straps. I try to pry my arm from his grip but he's to strong, I finally get my arm out. I jump off the bed, grab my shirt and I start walking out of the forest,
" Brina, wait! "
" Don't ' Brina ' me! I hate you! I hate you so much! Fuck you!,
I say as I flip him off and run out of the door to my bedroom,
Why would he do this to me?! Push me into something like that! I hate him so much!
Thank you @lobsiger for the inspiration! I haven't updated my book in a long time so thank you guys for motivating me to write more! 😘 anyway! Thank you guys so much!

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