Chap 6

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I can't believe Puck actually likes me, I really like him too and now we are dating, ohmygod this is like a dream!

We are walking around back to Daphne and find she's not there, oh please, please say she did not see any of that!

We head downstairs and sit down on the couch. Dpahne is already sitting there so me and Puck sit either side of her so nobody can tell.
Daphne says "is it done?"
After a couple of hours everybody says goodnight and go up to bed. Me and Puck are the only ones downstairs. its quiet for a couple of minutes then i speak up,

"Well i think im gonna head up to bed"
"wait, sit down for a second" says Puck "ok"
We sit down next to eachother on the couch, he starts playing with a piece of my hair that fell in front of my face, we then look at eachothers eyes.
"Your eyes are beautiful Sabrina"
then he leans in and kisses me, he goes softly but i push harder so he pushes harder, then its a full out makeout session.

he let go to breath and he says "Sabrina-"
"you dont even have to say it i want to as well, but we can't"
"oh, ok"

Well, i think i'll head up to bed now" "Same" We head up the stairs holding eachothers hands.


When I wake up in the morning i go downstairs and grab some food and as i do Granny says to Puck quietly,

"Puck, we need to have THE TALK"

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