Chapter 9

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Pucks POV
What have I done?! I've messed up! I've messed everything up! It's all my fault! Why did I even do that? That's nothing like me! I love Sabrina, I would never force her into anything, and yet here I was, forcing her into having sex with me, just cause I'm a horny teenager that wants attention. Now I'm bashing myself up, ugh shut up, shut up, shut up! I need to find Sabrina and apologise before she says anything or gets any wrong ideas. I pull my shirt over my head, fix up my hair and run down stairs to find my love and apologise.

Sabrina's POV, I will never forgive him, ever. I run down stairs with a brave, emotionless face and find Daphne in the kitchen.
" Hey Daphne, what are you making? "
" I'm making some soup! " Daphne replied cheerfully,
" Cool, can I ask you a question? "
" Anything, sister! "
" Are there any side affects to the love potion? " I ask as my curiosity starts up,
" Crap, I forgot to tell you " Daphne sets the bowl she's holding down and spins the fully face me,
" Daphne! How could you forget?! "
" I'm sorry! It just didn't pop into my mind! "
" Ok forget it. What are the side affects Daphne? "
" Um, well it might take a little to wear off so he might still be absolutely in love with you for about a week. Then there's hallucinations and *cough* um, sex drives.. " She explained,
" Shit that's it! "
" Is there something your not telling me Brina? "
" No, I have to go, thanks you Daphne, love you! " I quickly say as I run back upstairs. I have to figure this out and see if he really does love me, or if the spell just hasn't worn off.

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